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75 Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Uang

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Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway – DIKBUD

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Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Youtube : KOMENTAR: Tahukah anda, apa itu makanan Melayu

Mar 21, 2021 · Caption yang paling menarik akan menjadi pemenang giveaway. Yuk ikutan dan ajak teman-temanmu. Dan asal kamu tahu aku tuh rajin banget ke. Contoh Komentar Menarik … 8

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu

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Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu

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Mar 09, 2021 · Contoh Komentar Menarik untuk Giveaway Instagram. Jika penyelenggara giveaway menilai secara objektif peluang untuk menang bisa terjadi. ... Give Away Alert Jawab Pertanyaan Di Atas Dan Hadiah Uang Tunai Menanti Jangan Lupa Tag 3 Orang Temanmu Ya Pinjaman Dan Pendidikan Pendidikan Khusus Uang. 13

Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway – DIKBUD

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what's up guys welcome back to another, brand new video, before I start this video I'm gonna give, away free royal mystery boxes if you, want a chance of winning one of these, real mystery boxes make sure to like, this video comment reggae name subscribe, your channel and if you have enjoyed, dreams came here to click the link in, the description and upon login make sure, to click on YouTube it will be right, here once you start and then type on, other and then I mean click on other and, type Aiken rsps it's that simple and, you're entered so another great, money-making method is actually voting, on most servers voting is not worth it, at all but on dreamscapes it really is, so this type in quote-unquote vote then, it will bring you to the voting side you, just vote on the four sides I think one, is broken which is all for escape so you, get like free food boxes but I'm not, really sure it's been broken for me for, a while we're gonna have to figure out, yourself you can't normally get for box, both boxes and this is this I got free, so the vote boxes are I think it's round, 3 mill each it's 2.45 each and the, voting kids are a figure on 200k yeah I, run 200k so that's already 600 K plus, two point five seven point five mil so, let's say around eight mill with eight, mill you can get yourself pay of living, safe two mill full blizzard, because it's like yeah it's pretty cheap, and maybe even aqua spiritual I'm not, really sure now you won't be quite able, to afford it maybe if you save it up for, like two three days, you should be easily able to get an aqua, spiritual full blizzard and Oblivion, size so you're pretty much set already 4, ppm a note the basic stuff just by, voting and collecting those votes for a, couple days it's that simple, all right so I'm up now I'm against, counter so I gotta the first first first, price is destiny offense which is like, billion dollars so yeah I hope I win, so we got no pair can replant whoo all, right be colors is any color this good, luck good luck good luck you've got a, white you got a purple yellow rainbow, this is not good I think you busted do, we bust over so we were nothing that is, where the pinion has come in so I bought, this pianist A Wish like 30 40 mil it, makes you hit like way higher do need to, undress someone remove everything right, here except to be now to stick I'm gonna, kill these piƱatas first call my pet, second P on eyes almost there as well, okay we gonna go one box sadly we've got, a couple more to go so stalk us about, alright so from all the pinatas I got a, little Evan event boxes if you go at the, POS type in event boxes they are free, meal each so I just made 33 mil - just, like that is that simple and I didn't, even win the video in the event of, course I'm gonna open it for the content, you know, we're gonna get some boxes after serving, at the Chevy, oh alright alright alright so yeah if, you open the event boxes you will get, other boxes from it maybe you guys, didn't know that the other money-making, method is killing a lot of NPCs for the, mimic entry entry ticket and ex Evo's, invitation so these are two items I'll, put on the sky right now you can get, these by killing any NPC but the chance, of getting them the most is by killing a, lot at the same time so trying to do is, you get a a IO weapon which kills a lot, of NPC's at the same time itself like, for example these are like one by one if, we go one up kill multiple at a time as, you can see right here so that's pretty, pretty overpowered these are of like any, AI your weapon and I think the cheapest, one as the AKS em off for the range one, and for the major one is the Keanu stuff, so which one do I want to go into the, Pigman headquarters don't go too deep, because you know these are pretty easy, to kill even with normal gear even, though I'm a pretty good gear you can, kill this easily in normal care what you, wanna watch out for is this I think is, the Alpha at the Alpha penguin king this, guy has a lot of HP so what you want to, do is not go near him because he will be, C to your traffic because they can hit, like yeah 90 it clearly even one hit you, so you wanna get away from this guy and, just maybe center around here so I, person do I sent around here so you can, kill both sides without moving this, being in one spot, yeah died so you guys can see this is, the XE Bo's invitation it's 4 mil so, Ted's not too bad and the mimic entry, ticket is 5 mil you can get these I, think it's around like every 5 minutes, maybe 7 minutes you should be able to, get at least one of these if you kill, like a lot of at the same time for, example the ping replaced, so there's also a pretty decent, money-making evidence all right guys the, next money making method is the arcade, and the dreamland so I'm gonna show you, guys the dream in right now so what you, wanna do is wait let me get out first so, I'll show you guys both modes please, Steve all right let's leave real quick, all right so here's a dream Ian's, manager the economy will ask you to, switch game modes so it's our own easy, or normal normal give you two times at, tokens, so if you like some decent gear I would, suggest to do the normal ones because, you get like two times the tokens mine, up and it's pretty simple you just click, on a portal in easy mode you can you're, able to bank here but of course not what, you can't so when I click on the portal, in just wait there are 100 waves I, believe the first yeah the first few are, waves are super super easy yeah like I'm, literally instantly killing these most, people get around 50 waves because from, 50 waves on its it gets pretty pretty, difficult so the most effective method, to get the most focus you can get is by, going to 50 waves and letting them kill, you or you just leave so you think a, dream tokens if you die or you leave in, Spanish the shop right here if you get, 50 waves you get around three and a half, to four and half tokens really depends, when you stop and the best thing is to, get is the ultimate mage gloves and the, ultimate mage boots because they work, the most so the next money making method, is the arcade there's an arcade which, you don't need any requirements for you, can just go in and it's 50 waves once, you've completed you get a infernal, internal cape which I can show you guys, right here, so once you have saved up enough arcade, tokens you can spend them at a shop, first need to go things events arcade, and then you exit it and it will, teleport you to the old hoe and RK shop, is right here, busy hands of these artists junk like it, like value-wise they're not worth that, much the only really thing that is worth, a good amount is the box of wisdom or, the rare scratch cards but personally I, would just save up for the box of wisdom, which is 25k and get those because, they're just warped the most money out, of the shop our riding boys so we're, doing in Campbell right now so you might, think it cam gambling I know it's a, love-hate relationship I know how it is, but if he can some spare money left like, I got my spare ultimate mage gloves, laying down my bank you can just gamble, it you never know it's 5050 always so my, era would win you might end up with a, loss so right now it's a one pair for, him and all right so we're gonna do, another gamble because I had this pair, of my banks I just why not just get my, let's chuck it in whatever so this next, money making guide is actually a raft so, I her dress was pretty good money so I, wanna do this is you wanna go to a, market first, I believe youth it's recommended to get, a bracelet of aetherium bracelet of, cerium right here it's 10k it's already, charged I don't think you need to put in, Efrat it just just to make sure ever, oh I do all this by maybe ten use it on, it like open source so let's not do it, and let's just equip it Fitness all you, need go to bosses then you go to, reference right here so basically how Oh, remove my G potion all right let's go, reps this time can i yes please of, course so you can't bring a pet either, can I please go to reference now yes I, can actually it says it's really bit is, not actually really because you can't, kill people in here you actually used to, kill people in here Beacon anymore so, what you want to do is you want to get a, pretty decent weapon for example this, guy is using the Frostbite staff it also, works with the oblivious life it doesn't, really matter what weapon you use but is, recommend to use a pretty this like this, nice strong weapon like this guy, oblivious life it doesn't cost more than, maybe free for bill it's pretty cheap so, trying to do is you want to kill these, guys yeah I got a chance of killing off, getting DK points as you can see right, here it's not guaranteed all the time so, it's a chance and there's also chance of, dropping the emblems as you can see you, right here right here it drops all these, emblems and of course the the bigger the, higher the tier of the M of the more, points you get take Spanish points and, shops, so what you wanna do is you wanna type, quote-unquote shops just like this and, once you got all the emblems and you, saved up all the points you want to go, to the wilderness shop if you got the, embassy just click on emblems you'll, trade them in I'm gonna open the shop, all kinds of stuff you can get and, personally what I would choose and what, most people choose is the keone stuff, maybe the box of wisdom which is worth, less and I mean if you don't really need, money you could also save up for these, pets they're decent but to be honest I, would just go for the AoE stuff if, you're playing to make money of course, so that was a revenant card hope you, guys enjoyed this video make sure you, like on the video subscribe comment ride, you and maybe leave some feedback I, don't know, but see you guys in the next one peace, out, [Music]

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