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16 Kata-Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway Make Up

kata-kata yang menarik untuk memenangkan giveaway make up

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Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan

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Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway Hp - Berbagai Peruntukan

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa contoh komentar menarik untuk memenangkan giveaway instagram yang terbaik dan kreatif: Sekarang, indonesia tengah memasuki trend industri yang … 6

Giveaway Beauty Blogger Contest With Makeupuccino Roosvansia

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Contoh Kata Kata Ikutan Giveaway – retorika

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa contoh komentar menarik untuk memenangkan giveaway instagram yang terbaik dan kreatif: 1. Produk ini benar-benar mujarab lo guys, q sudah … 8

Komentar Caption Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway - Caption Contoh Kata Kata

Jun 30, 2022 · Jaringan konsumen akan terus meluas sejalan dengan banyaknya peserta yang ikut giveaway. Contoh kata kata yang menarik untuk memenangkan giveaway. Berikut ini … 9

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hi guys okay so happy it's frickin, Thursday as you see I'm solo today, because unfortunately my beautiful, jessica is very sick and she could not, drive out here so we did some this video, on top of that she didn't want to give, me her cold as well so today, unfortunately I am like I said solos, hour and we definitely basura and kind, of kind of guys but she'll definitely be, back with me next week hurry up i'm in, my bed and you have different things so, jumping right in okay oh yeah i like, unconscious videos right here you guys, and remember all this stuff or android, stuff it means we're going to be down, below for you guys you guys some shop, these i mainly bought this stuff and was, on so i will finally see guys don't get, silly at least I'll be different to our, affiliate links down below you guys rock, and that's when you can serve all the, feedback that we are always giving away, ok so we're going to stuff this goody, bag with all this stuff here which is, makeup for beginners so it's just, basically everything that you need if, you're just beginning to get into makeup, and surfing around it and what you chose, these things are various ways been a, very product you can use and stuff like, that so this is what we're going to, discrete back to the wing and we're, going to be doing another video I give, away with make a purse to getter in the, future we'll just several of them so, this is a really good one there's a ton, of products in here I want to see it's, like over a hundred dollars worth of, products in here so and also one of his, helpers that will show you guys from, stampa I'm going to have that me down, below three guys but I'm gonna take that, really quick so it was just chill, grich's two guys know that's going to be, one of the things in the city guys well, Before we jump right into actually let, me give this video a big thumbs up and, don't you guys invite your friends thank, you so much for helping us grow and just, will see our numbers on YouTube arches, like rocking their just online source, control what turbo stuffs they're both, pretty freakin fast and not only that, the thing that we love the most is, people that are subscribed to our, channel are commenting and Billy engage, our town and the shows that you guys, really enjoy our channel and enjoy our, giveaways and last night, now we're going to go ahead for sure and, jump right in okay the first thing we're, going to do is why would you show you, guys fit little children to start trying, to tell you like see how fold it right, here a little bit so I also straighten, out super cute and it's let them sit, around your neck or come right now okay, the next one which I always say we're, going to go ahead and do two packs or, the 3d fiber lashes and then week will, be doable for this and you don't forget, we always try I notice I forgot like in, two of our videos to put two of one, thing in their bags that way one is for, you and one is for your best friend and, don't ever keep welcome for you just, because you feel like you know I don't, have enough money and I'm going to run, out don't think that way so always think, in about it if you don't have a best, friend either collect your sister your, cousin or give some money you don't even, know so for you and once to somebody, else and to make their day so that's, that Justin I love doing stuff like that, and this one is you guys help extra, brushes so i ordered this from amazon, and it she's supposed to precious from, CR q cosmetics I've actually never DC, but I saw it on my go ahead open it I, thought I management others like me out, and I suspect so I'm going to buy it for, you guys see that's the little paper, looks like that it comes with and how, does it change little facts which I will, be puttin it out I want to show you is, just lucky that you're getting is that, their little logo your voice very faint, it's really cute I like this for as long, as men's try it I site back up for you, guys so I'm sure you it looks like, you're beautiful they're all, paintbrushes is literally every freaking, brush that you need but BAM are you, kidding me right now how awesome is that, you guys we got every single brush and, advise you guys but I love me I don't, know who dares love scenes well there, are people don't love people it's so, girly oh wait I used to feel a little, bit it was my boy when I was in high, school but I would never be at a point, yet so I'm going to try the heck up I'm, not gonna put it back on the spot the, thing you don't need really knew that, like this is just enough you don't need, double plastic specialist back also that, when you don't have any extras fresh now, the only thing i didn't get for you guys, with foundation in the next word we're, going to go in and grab foundation free, diet just nine I think we would, recommend 80 or 41 and I think that made, by Maybelline I think it I can't, remember for sure but I'll happily done, with it the next one is the notorious to, commit Beauty Blender it, so one in original which is right here, you getting that which is frickin, awesome how cute is this little brace, that my sister after my birthday best to, love it a little traverse the next one, is this is urban decay it's makeup lock, down the travel duo so we got some small, one because it comes with a setting, spray and it also comes with the, eyeshadow primer so it's really, important they have a city spray and, eyeshadow primer for your eyes so that, your eyeshadows stays on there and not, only does it stay on there it makes it, look more vibrant and it makes all the, color that you use on your eyes will be, stand out by Kazmir is a much what I, really want to say is it used it's a, true color instead of going to put it, directly on your eyelid if there isn't, primer there it kind of loses its color, stripes or anything the next one is a, port just really beautiful mac studio I, essentials I'm sorry I'm right and I, kept sniffles so this one reminds me a, lot of the naked palettes I like the, colors in here what I also like most, likely your beer that and she for this, is that it has not only the colors right, here it shows you three different ways, to do it which i think is so awesome, it's gonna be very helpful for you guys, and these colors are really nice because, more than a Chinese won't ask you any, point my time so there's so many, different ways or periods times of, periods period of times in the day that, you can wear it I think it's just really, fantastic for you guys really really, like you probably and I think that's, gonna love it the next thing is unless I, swear if I have to choose one thing all, make up anything it would be contrary, because on trend you can do so much and, change your life entire look it is so, powerful when you talk about art it's, like shadowing if you don't use, shadowing it kind of picture with black, but when you shadow it just hit so much, dimension and see what contrary so we, got this one right here because it shows, you how to apply the different contour, of highlights or lowlights and whatnot, so this one's quiet bell up here and I, actually got customers the lead from, Marshalls I like Marshall sit down with, tenants that that's not really that, expensive guys so it's really awesome to, go ahead and purchase stuff from their, mess around with it and kind of get your, feet wet with makeup on you're just, beginning I think it's really really, cool we got that one another one of my, absolute favorites that's my phone, vibrating over there is L'Oreal, telescopic eyeliner and this is two, times, intensity floods liner and I just love, it of course carbon black I love it Jeff, wha it's so great if you're somebody who, doesn't like to wear heavy heavy knit, but I wear a brown eyeliner versus a, binary system before natural and also if, you like it opened your eyes or what I, phone with my institutions might go for, and just those four so we got sprayed so, this is a really good one actually I say, edge to cap on these trooper what, doesn't I bet favorite the last one is, going to be actually mine and it's not a, full bottle of it what is Salvatore, Ferragamo perfume it smells really, really good excuse a lot of it but, there's still a ton and how it seems, like a little less than a quarter but, plenty in there I'm just going to throw, that in there for you guys looks like a, test for one more minute s sir i'll show, you like that which is this book within, their it smells really good if you were, like it and just end up getting another, bar for yourself and that is it you guys, that is absolutely everything if that is, a ton of freaking stuff i really hope, that you guys like it i know it's just, really hope that you guys like it we are, so grateful again for your love and, support Thank You scope someone if you, cannot wait to it's just a past and, start doing some tutorials we wanted you, like city bags circling booty bags and, tending them so that's it goes the less, i just wanted to a Valentine's the exact, week giveaway and every holiday we're, going to do one so this is specific one, for that holiday but don't forget even, though just my are going to be a lot of, the stuff that we like and connection, with you guys don't you always let us, know what kind of stuff you like and it, won't be so brand but you can also stay, I like this ranking system is pretty, back your voice because it's so much fun, when you do buy ticket versus when we, always think it which we usually don't, suppose s you guys what you want so, we're going to go ahead and put, everything here for you so the brushes, don't forget this 3d fiber lashes the ID, lamer and eyeshadows ferragamo, contouring palette the urban decay which, is sunny spray and be I pattern and the, Beauty Blender and lush but not least is, cute freaking choker I really look like, it remember it it just comes and it has, a flattened out the way i like it you, just take a little longer to it will, find that it domains will be down below, it's a gleam link as always so like, subscribe and was like you, dude watch the entire video of this, video I see you guys good luck love you, guys and we'll see you guys next, thursday with our next phase i go away, let us know down below what you would, love to get honest feedback away by, [Music]

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