90 Jokes Kimia Lucu
jokes kimia lucu
Hahaha | Kimia, Lucu, Fisika 0
50 Lelucon dan Puns Kimia Terlucu yang Sempurna untuk Pecinta Sains. (iStock) Kebanyakan pecinta sains akan setuju bahwa humor yang jenaka adalah terbaik jenis humor — itulah sebabnya chemistry lucu lelucon dan permainan kata-kata sangat … 1
May 13, 2019 · Lelucon Kimia tentang Unsur dan Tabel Periodik. Anda tidak mendengar banyak lelucon, permainan kata-kata, atau teka-teki dalam fisika dan biologi, tetapi kimia penuh dengan itu. Berikut adalah kumpulan lelucon dan permainan kata-kata kimia yang dikirimkan pembaca. Beberapa dari mereka mengerang, tetapi beberapa cukup lucu. 2
Kimia Lelucon Pun. Saya ingin meminta maaf karena tidak memiliki lebih banyak lelucon kimia , tetapi saya hanya menambahkannya secara berkala. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan jalur pick-up kimia , tidak perlu mencari lagi. 3
Apr 03, 2022 · Masa sekolah adalah masa membuat kenang-kenangan yang tidak terlupakan bahkan sampai puluhan tahun ke depan. Di era media sosial ini, kata-kata gombal sudah tidak asing lagi bahkan sudah berkeliaran. Tidak kalah juga para mahasiswa-mahasiswi jurusan kimia yang kreatif dengan gombalan anak kimia … 4
Kalau Kamu Paham Maksud Meme Kimia Ini, Tandanya Kamu Anak Kimia Sejati 5
Love me some Sheldon! | Lelucon kimia, Bigbang, Kutipan lucu 6
Meme Quotes Kimia - Meme Mania 7
Wow 25+ Gambar Lucu Anak Teknik Kimia - Koleksi Gambar Lucu 8
Meme Quotes Kimia - Meme Mania 9
Meme Quotes Kimia - Meme Mania 10
Pin oleh V1e di LUCU humor (Dengan gambar) | Lucu, Ungkapan, Kimia 11
50 Lelucon dan Puns Kimia Lucu 12
Pin oleh Matcha Latte di random (Dengan gambar) | Kimia, Belajar, Lucu 13
25+ Inspirasi Keren Kata Kata Kimia Lucu - Little PrettyThings 14
25+ Inspirasi Keren Kata Kata Kimia Lucu - Little PrettyThings 15
Caption Ig Anak Kimia - Celoteh Bijak 16
Kata Kata Bijak Lucu Anak Ipa - Kata Mutiara Harian 17
10+ Gambar Lucu Tentang Obat Yang - Koleksi Gambar Lucu | Cartoon jokes, Gambar lucu, Lucu 18
Cuma Orang Super Pintar yang Bisa Ngerti 10 Lelucon Kimia Ini! 19
Kata Bijak Anak Kimia | Lucu Sekali Ayo Ketawa 20
Kata Bijak Anak Kimia | Lucu Sekali Ayo Ketawa 21
Pin oleh 53gending92 di lucu meme | Kimia, Meme, Lucu 22
Kata Bijak Anak Kimia | Lucu Sekali Ayo Ketawa 23
15+ Gambar Lucu Anak Teknik - Kumpulan Gambar Lucu 24
Kata Bijak Anak Kimia | Lucu Sekali Ayo Ketawa 25
Kata Bijak Anak Kimia | Lucu Sekali Ayo Ketawa 26
Pin oleh 53gending92 di lucu meme | Kimia, Meme, Lucu 27
Gambar Dukun Santet Lucu - Personal Books 28
Gambar Dan Kata Tentang Cinta | Lucu, Humor lucu, Senyum 29
misteri yang terungkap | Funny, Rumus kimia, Lucu 31
45+ Pantun Gembira - Tugas Sekolahku 32
bagaimana hidup dari bulan ke bulan,akibat tekanan ekonomi :) | Humor ngakak | Pinterest | Funny 33
Pin di Lucu-lucuan Bahasa Indonesia 34
Hello! So last month I released eleven new videos of my stand up comedy performances., And I mentioned on Twitter that if any of those videos reach more than a million views..., I will make a stand up comedy tutorial video., It turns out that there was one video that reached more than a million views., And now I'm here., First, I will talk about how I write the materials., Because for me that's the base and roots of stand up., The first thing you should do is to find what bothers you., Do not look for what's funny, but find what bothers you most., Maybe you're struggling to pay rent., Feeling that you're in the wrong major, feeling that your body is too fat., You should find what bothers you., I will try to compare this with what I have written., As an example I will talk about my video about how girls take over your senses., I'll tell you how that was done., Firstly, I found what bothered me., At that time I just got in a relationship. After being single for a while, I was happy to get a girlfriend., It turns out I learned one thing about relationships., A guy in a relationship has limited freedom than when he was still single., After that I searched for the premise., Premise is the negative feeling about a subject., After the premise, I usually make mind maps., I write the premise in the middle and add details around it., For example, one time I couldn't look at girls when we were at the mall., Or, one time I couldn't sleep well because I had to talk to her on the phone every night., Keep adding those details as much as you can..., Until you have a bunch of ideas that you can develop into stand up comedy material., I start writing the materials after that. The formula is pretty simple: set up and punchline., Set up is the intro towards a joke, the part that is not funny., Punchline is the funny part, where you say something that will make people laugh., So, I start writing the parts, set ups and punchlines., I type it on Ms. Word, which parts are the set up and which are punchlines., I'll give you an example from the girls taking over senses video., Pay attention which parts are set ups, and which parts are punchlines., [First Example], Sense of sight., If you're single and you go to the mall..., ...you can look at any pretty girl walking by., I do that too. I was at the mall yesterday, a pretty girl passed by and I stared., "Excuse me for a sec, sorry...", [Second Example], Once you're in a relationship, you can't., Your sense of sight, your eyes, now belong to your girlfriend., You're hanging out at the mall and there's a pretty girl. You turn your head..., ...then she grabs your head and goes "What are you looking at, huh?", [Third Example], Your ears are all theirs now., It belongs to the girls. Every night before you sleep, "Yes, honey, I'm going to bed...", "It's okay don't hang up. I want to listen to you breathing.", Once it's done, I start memorizing all the materials I have written., Remember, do not memorize word by word., You should just memorize the general ideas., You shouldn't memorize it by word because if you do, sometimes..., ...you forget one word, and then you forget everything that comes after it., So make sure you memorize the general ideas., Then you practice at home, bring the transcript with you., Try speaking in front of a mirror, keep doing that..., Keep doing it until it is time for you to perform in front of people., For me, I have to practice in front of a mirror at least five times., But if my time is limited, three or four times should do., I guess that's all for the tutorial of writing stand up comedy materials..., ...which I have linked to the examples I have made on my own., I hope this can help you write your stand up comedy materials. That's all.