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May 02, 2020 · 10 Puisi Pendidikan 4 Bait 4 Baris [ 3 Bait, 2 Bait] Untuk Anak-Anak - Klak Klik Bermutu. Blog kumpulan pantun cinta, … 1

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Adapun puisi 4 bait memang mengkhususkan bentuk puas 4 kerubungan baris. Bukan adalah aturan tapi lebih pada keumuman pembaca lebih mengesir puisi nan enggak plus panjang dan lain berlebih pendek. Puisi pendek cocok lakukan wanti-wanti pendek saja tak cocok untuk puisi … 2

Guruku Puisi 4 Bait 4 Baris Tentang Guru

Contoh Puisi Pendidikan 4 Bait 4 Baris Kumpulan Puisi. Puisi. ↠ : Download / Read Online Here. beyond the hedges ,bhattacharya solution of abstract algebra ,beyond the idea how to execute innovation in any organization ,bible questions … 3

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hi guys today we are gonna be talking, about pantoum, poems and specifically how to write them, but before we get into the pantoum let's, talk about some basics of poetry that, will help you understand the pantoum, better poetry has lots of definitions, and I'm sure you've heard several before, but one that I like the best is that, poetry is a type of writing that uses, visual and rhythmic qualities in, addition to language to create meaning, you're familiar with writing you've, written text messages posts essays all, those sorts of things, poetry is a type of writing that is, going to use more than words you're, gonna have to pay attention to how it, looks on the page and the patterns so, that's what makes poetry unique one, thing that's important to know is that, not all poems rhyme sometimes my, students get frustrated with poems, because they think every single poem has, to rhyme and that's really annoying and, nothing rhymes with orange no not all, poems rhyme there are many different, types and forms of poetry just like we, write different types of essays and have, different goals with our writing and, different patterns with our writing, there are different patterns and goals, with poetry as well I'm going to show, you a couple poems so that we can learn, some poetry terms this is a famous poem, called still I rise you'll see I just, have included the first three stanzas, now in a poem two terms that I want you, to know our line and stanza stanza is, like a paragraph for a poem you'll see, that this part of the poem is broken, into three stanzas think of it as like a, poetic paragraph okay the way this poem, is structured there are four lines in, every stanza okay, so one line is but still like dust all, rise, one line is you may write me down in, history you'll notice at the end of each, line we have different types of, punctuation one line does not equal one, sentence that's one thing that's, interesting about poetry in fact the, first four lines that first stanza is, one sentence all by itself the second, stanza has three different sentence, is in it okay this particular poem has a, pattern where there are four lines for, every stanza this poem also does have, some rhymes and it's a very specific, rhyme pattern the second line and the, fourth line of each stanza rhyme so we, have lies and rise gloom and room tides, and rise, that's the rhyme pattern that this poem, uses this is another famous poem called, the red wheelbarrow it's it's really, famous and I wish that I understood it, better because I don't quite understand, why it's so famous but it is a fun poem, to look at regardless you notice there's, no capitalization that's something, that's interesting with poetry is the, rules are a little bit different in this, poem you'll see there are two lines in, every stanza remember stanza is like our, poems paragraph okay and you'll notice, there's no punctuation at all in this, poem it just says so much depends upon a, red wheelbarrow glazed with rain water, beside the white chickens so again we, have two lines per stanza so now that, you have some basic poetry knowledge, we're going to talk about a specific, type of poem called a pan tomb a pan, tomb was created by Malaysian poets and, it was adapted by French poets and it's, a form that is often imitated in English, now it has multiple stanzas okay, remember a stanza is like our poetic, paragraph so a pantoum has multiple, stanzas and each stanza has four lines, just like this poem still I rise, each stanza has four lines a pantoum, usually doesn't rhyme sometimes it does, if you choose to make it rhyme you can, but pan tombs usually do not rhyme what, makes a pan tomb especially unique is, that the second and fourth lines of each, stanza are the first and third lines of, the next stanza and the last line of a, pan tomb is often the same as the first, line so the lines in the poem, Pete you'll see them again and again so, we're gonna look at some examples okay, this was written by Sally Ann Roberts, it's called it all started with a packet, of seeds I'm just gonna read the first, two stanzas to you and I want you to, notice the repetition it all started, with a packet of seeds to be planted, with tenderness and care at the base of, an oak free from all weeds they will, produce such beauty and flare to be, planted with tenderness and care a, cacophony of colorful flowers they will, produce such beauty and flare with an, aroma that can continue for hours you'll, notice that this author decided to make, this pantoum rhyme okay so there is a, rhyme pattern there the first and second, lines rhyme and the sorry the first and, third lines rhyme and the second and, fourth lines rhyme but you also see in, the very first stanza our second line is, to be planted with tenderness and care, and then that's the first line of the, second stanza in the first stanza the, fourth line is they will produce such, beauty and flare and we see that line in, the third stanza if you'd like to read, more of this poem go ahead and pause so, you can read it now another poem I want, to show you is called I hate pan tombs, by Paul Hansford he wrote this in May, 2016 okay and again I'm just going to, read the first two stanzas for you and I, want you to watch for that pattern of, repetition, I hate pan tombs and villanelles because, I'm very easily bored when a poem goes, on and on and tells the things that have, been said before because I'm very easily, bored I get impatient for lots of stuff, the things that have been said before, don't need repeating once is enough okay, again this person chose to rhyme it can, be fun though it does make it a little, bit more difficult okay and you can see, that the lines because I'm very easily, bored and the things that have been said, before and the first stanza are repeated, in the second stanza here's another one, it's just called pantoum and it was, written by a high school student named, Tyler Vonderhaar and is about football, so we're gonna read all three lines here, the pants the actual pantoum goes on for, much longer, I just chose to show you these first, three stanzas I love football, the way you feel after a great hit the, feeling of victory and the agony of, losing the way you feel after a great, hit like a bull running through the, opponent and the agonizing pain of, losing and it makes you feel like you, let your team down like a bull running, through the opponent's you're going to, release all your anger into that guy and, it makes you feel like you let your team, down because you just missed that tackle, the really cool thing about pan tombs, and the reason that you're repeating the, lines is because every time you repeat, the line things feel a little bit, different the meaning changes a little, bit here's another example of a pantoum, and we're gonna look at this one in more, detail this one was written September, 2016 and it's called clouds you'll, notice and I'm going to highlight for, you that the second line of the first, stanza becomes the first line of the, second stanza the fourth line of the, first stanza becomes the third line of, the second stanza so hopefully you can, see that pattern and how it's repeating, we have that same repetition here, the Sun is warm shining upon my face is, the second line of the second stanza so, it's the first line of the third stanza, we have more repetition here and it's, gonna continue to repeat all the way, down the entire poem and I could, highlight it all that sounds like it, would be a lot of highlighting so, instead I'm just gonna show you how the, beginning and ending lines of this poem, are the same clouds drift across the, peaceful Azure sky same for the, beginning and the end and that's a, really cool aspect of pan tombs not all, cam tombs do it but many do this one, that we looked at at the beginning you, can see it all started with a packet of, seeds it we have the same first and last, line so this is the pantoum pattern okay, and your first stanza you'll have line 1, line 2 line 3 line 4 in the next stanza, you're going to repeat line 2 then, you're gonna have line 5 you're gonna, repeat line 4 then you're gonna have, line 6, in the third stanza you would repeat, line five half line seven repeat line, six have line eight and you're going to, go on and on and on until you have, decided that you are done with your pan, tomb pan tombs can be as long as you, would like hopefully this video helps, you understand Pam tombs better good, luck because you are going to be writing, one and I'm excited too

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