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46 Naskah Voice Over Bioskop

naskah voice over bioskop

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Indonesia Part 2 |

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Contoh Naskah Voice Over Indonesia Part 2 |

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Contoh Naskah Voice Over Indonesia Part 2. Sehingga inilah dua contoh format naskah iklan radio yang dapat Anda buat untuk mengiklankan produk Anda. Sebagai V oice-over enthusiast … 8

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all right let's click record, and we're live hi my name is kwame i'm a, documentary filmmaker and a voice over, artist, based in accra ghana and before i even, get into today's video please, please forgive me for the noise that you, might be hearing in the background, unfortunately for me my studio is, situated in the part of the house where, the window is right across the main, street first of all, and across from that is also a welding, shop, a metal thingy shop so i can't stop them, from working, and i need to record this video i need, to share this, information so that we can all learn, much more about voiceovers so, in today's video we're going to talk, about how to improve your reading, of any voice over script and, i'm not going to say i'm an expert and, this video is not going to be very, technical like i said in the previous, video i did about voice overs, however i've done this for about eight, years, or a bit more than that and so i have, come to learn or i've come to pick up a, few elements about scripts and how to, read them, and that is what i want to share with, you today on this video, so let's get to it but before we get, into that one i also get asked, a lot of times this particular question, how do i get to, sound like you and most often they mean, the voice tone and they ask if i did, something to my voice, or i practiced or did some kind of, voice training to get to sound like this, and the answer is no, um my voice sounds like this, because that's what puberty brought i, don't know, so in terms of sounding like a certain, way, you don't have to make it your prime, focus when you want to start, uh voiceovers it's it's an advantage, that you might sound a certain way, sometimes it also, is a disadvantage because it's not all, voice over scripts that you can do, but in reading a voiceover script, what you should be concentrating on is, the technique, knowing the principles knowing a few, things that like i'm going to share, today, that help make you much more engaging, it helps you get into character, when you don't have a lot of direction, from your client, and all these things that you need to, note about scripts in general and how to, read them, and make it easier because it's a skill, it's like learning how to drive it's, like learning how to play the pianos, like learning how to play or, practice a certain talent you may have, something small there but you need to, polish it, and polishing it means there are few, rules that you, need to remember and follow a few tips, here and there, that make it easier to understand or, grasp the concept, of recording voiceovers like this, so yes let's get to it i'm going to, in the course of the video or when i, finish explaining these key elements to, you, i'm going to demonstrate how they work, as well for you to see, what i mean by knowing these key, elements, of a script and how to tackle them, so if you are familiar with the concept, of writing, which voice over scripts usually are, you're going to be presented with a lot, or a variety of voice over script unless, you are known specifically for some kind, of voiceovers or a particular genre of, voiceovers you do maybe only audiobooks, maybe you do only movie trailers maybe, you do only commercial voiceovers you, don't do any explainer videos no, documentary narrations, if that's your thing that's fine however, even that, all these principles apply to some, extent so that is what you need to know, before you commit to reading any voice, over script so if you are, if you're familiar with writing you know, a script has, a beginning it has a middle and an end, it's basic a beginning a middle, and an end and usually with voice of a, script, usually with voice over scripts your, beginning is where, you either capture the attention of your, listening audience, or not so it's a very very important, part of a voice over script and you'll, find in maybe commercial voiceovers that, it, might start with an exclamation or an, excitement, or something that will grab your, attention or statement or a phrase that, will grab your attention before, the rest follows so if it's an, exclamation you can have something like, it's amazing, you know or it can be a question are you, having, trouble doing this if it's something, that you can relate to, then it piques your interest to want to, listen further because it's something, that, might solve your problem or might bring, you, some kind of entertainment or my past, information that you need to hear, so that's the beginning forgive me that, is the beginning usually of, a voice over script that is where you, need to capture the attention of your, listener, now the middle part of voice over script, usually contain all the emotions, the things that get you to relate to, what the person is saying, and how it makes you feel, that's where the bulk of i should say, the concept of the, the voice of a script is where the, emotions, are where you can easily relate where it, gets you also thinking and then, finally the last part of the voice of a, script is usually where there's a call, to action, uh it can be a literal call to action or, sometimes, it piques your interests or makes you, curious enough to want to do that call, to action by yourself, so there there's not one formula and, this video is not uh, how to script or how to break down or it, is how to break down the script, but it's not how to mark a script so, there's no, formula or way that a script might be, written, it can be done anyway it's a creative, writing or creative copywriting so, if you know what your client wants, then you know what to do or how to, communicate, that with the listening audience, so the beginning like i said capture the, attention, in the first five seconds or three, seconds it depends on what phrase it is, that they used to punch, just capture the attention in the middle, is where their emotions, are and then in the end is where they, get you, to act upon whatever they want you to, act upon, and script contains words and these, words have been, carefully chosen to make or they've been, strung together to make this script what, it is that is one thing you need, to also remember they have been, carefully chosen and, words inside the script are most likely, going to be, very descriptive apologies again for the, noise outside, let's go on so most of the words they, are also going to be descriptive which, means that you need to give, life to those words per their meanings, so they are adjectives so if it's, something that is cool it's something, that is soft, it's something that is hot or scotching, you need to give the emotion in the tone, of your voice to that particular word it, helps to, carry that emotion to the person who is, listening to it because most voiceovers, depending on how they're used might end, up in audio format, might even if it doesn't end up in audio, format and they're accompanying, pictures they still need to carry those, emotions, and those emotions cannot be flat you, cannot have a, neutral tone of how you're mentioning, every, single word you're seeing on the script, and those things, really matter so carry those emotions, pair the words that you're seeing in, there so if you're seeing, an exciting thing in there something, that brings a smile to your face, as a person if that's what you want your, audience to, feel or that's what your clients want, the audience to feel you should smile, when you get there you should, laugh or chuckle when you get to a, certain place that requires that emotion, to be, evoked or communicated you should be, angry if that's what the, thing is supposed to communicate it, should be curious it should, sound intrigued if all those things are, necessary, to carry the script where it needs to go, and you need to, note them well, yeah you need to consciously note them, and it will happen over time, it doesn't happen immediately you start, um, your voice over career or whatever you, learn over time to see these words for, what they are, and commit that okay if i see freezing, cold, i know how to make people feel like it's, cold if i see scalding hot, i know how to make them feel like that, should could that, thing could i can't believe i said that, that thing could burn so that's what i'm, trying to say and, it also requires you to get into, character, because you're professional you're being, hired to bring this particular script to, life, it's not the same as talking although, some scripts require you to be as, natural as when you'll be talking, however, there's still some tips and tricks some, principles like you know having the, right inflections, for these words to make sure that they, sound different than the average person, would speak, which makes it much more engaging that, is some of the things or these are some, of the things that you, need to remember when you pick up a, voice over script and it's most likely, going to apply to, almost all voiceover scripts which we're, going to see, in um the demonstration that i'm going, to do, right after this particular intro so, getting into character, is also very very essential for example, i was watching this movie or i was, watching this series on netflix, and um the narrator of, i'm gonna mention the name is sweet, tooth and the narrator of that, uh series narrates this, um or now is a story like, um a very observant neighbor who's, sitting on the front porch, uh narrating the lives of his neighbors, it's very laid back it's very natural, it's it's emotive, it it evokes certain emotions as and, when they should, but it's also very calming as well like, somebody who's telling you a story and, it makes you want to, see how his narration affects the, characters so these are some of the, examples or some of the ways, that voiceovers can be brought to life, if, you know these key principles that for, example, or not for example that it starts with, something that captures your attention, in the middle is where you keep the, emotions you sustain, your audience attention and in the end, is how you, land it so it's an arc but you still, need to sustain all these things by, knowing some of these principles, so it's i think it's better to actually, demonstrate how, this goes so that you can see how it, works, in different voice over script and i'm, going to be taking my voiceover script, from, [Music], i'm going to copy a few, samples from there, and i'm going to try as much as possible, to highlight some of these things that, i'm talking about so that you can get a, better understanding, of these techniques when you pick up a, voiceover script or when you're, presented, a voiceover script so let's get to it so, yes, my first script is a commercial script, which starts with it's, amazing i'm first going to read it, through, and i'm going to show you which elements, or why the elements work, and things that you should note so it's, amazing i never thought, one cereal would make my whole family, stay for breakfast, and then the brand is mentioned honey, bunches of oats, there's never been a cereal like it with, big corn flakes and crunchy bunches of, oats, finally the cereal my whole family, loves so you can see that it has a, beginning of course, a middle part and finally an end, it has a beginning a middle part and an, end, now this one doesn't necessarily say you, should buy, honey bunches of oats but it talks at, the emotions, of having your whole family present, for breakfast being the selling point if, that's something that's, um important to you you might want, for i mean you might want to go and buy, honey bunches of oats because it's that, good, that you hope for me is going to love it, and want to stay for breakfast, so that is the emotion it communicates, and that is the selling point of this, particular, um script it's a short one, it's amazing that is much more like you, know how, you are you capture the attention of, the people who might be listening and, there are several ways that can be done, it can be it's it's amazing or, it's amazing but however you choose to, do it you have to make sure that your, first, phrase catches the attention of the, people, listening to you so what is amazing how, do you just, start like it's amazing it makes them, curious what's amazing tell us more, so that is essential and amazing is, supposed to sound, amazing first of all it has an, exclamation, mark on it and so you need to have, that at the back of your mind, that it's amazing or it's amazing, know that so depending on the direction, that you're going to get from, your client or the read that they need, it might even either be as soft it's, amazing you can still have it in amazing, which is still, soft and still sound amazing it's, amazing, i never thought once cereal would make, my whole family stay for breakfast, or it's amazing i never thought once, like you can have that as well because, it's a commercial, and depending on what your clients want, to communicate, you need to find out but knowing that, it's, amazing to sound amazing is important, and here you're communicating the, emotions in the middle part your, communication, communicating the emotions they need to, make that decision to want to buy honey, bunches of oats i never thought, one cereal one cereal or cereal brand, would make my whole family stay for, breakfast it means there's something, that they don't often do, and what cereal is that honey bunches of, oats, in my previous video i talked about how, you should mention the brand name, properly, because it's what the people need to, remember at the end of the day, is what it's being sold honey bunches of, oats, and now there's never been a cereal like, it, this is a never situation, so you have to make it sound like one of, a kind there's, never been a cereal like it ever so they, need to feel that in your tone of voice, and how you deliver as well, you can't say there's never been a, cereal like it, yeah you don't even believe in it when, you say it like that so there's never, been a cereal like it, ever this is this is amazing it's, surreal, that is what you need to communicate to, the people in my opinion, so with big corn flakes and crunchy, bunches of oats they're giving you, variety, with big corn flakes and crunchy bunches, of oats, finally a cereal my whole family, loves so you do that soft landing, for them to know that ooh i need to get, me some of that, honey bunches of oats for my family as, well so that is the first, example of breaking down a voiceover, script, but you could have a different direction, and there could be different takes, that's the beauty of voiceovers that, the direction can change you can have, the same thing, said in so many different ways that can, change how, it will evoke certain emotions in, different people listening, so yeah that is the first one and the, second one, is starting with a question this is more, of, you know a need is this something that, is bothering you so it's a problem, solver the first one is also a problem, solver but this one is a different, approach for the problem solving, so are you having muscle aches so they, actually the first question muscle eggs, does it click that you have muscle aches, so you can't, shout at this one it's not an amazing, thing it's not a beautiful feeling to be, having, muscle aches so remember that it's not, the same emotion that is being, communicated, this one is muscle aches nothing, is proven more effective or long longer, lasting than advil, for long lasting relief of muscle aches, count, on advil so some of these words, might not necessarily be adjectives but, they need to be resounded, count on advil it's, a call to action inside, the script or in the middle of the, script count is it's, you need to count on advil why so the, question is why they answer the reason, why you should count on an advil, in a recent clinical study advil was, found to work, better than any other or better than, tylenol or, yeah it's better than tylenol or any, other better than tylenol in relieving, the pain of sore muscles, the day after exercise so this is a very, specific thing, for people experiencing muscle ache and, if you're somebody who works out a lot, and you're going through all that pain, they're trying to tell you that advil, has been proven clinically, to work better than tylenol in relieving, pain right after or the day after, exercise, so it's no wonder that doctors so this, is much more, you know reaffirming why you need advil, because it is finally advanced medicine, for pain, so by the time you finish listening to, this particular, ad you know your problem will be solved, with advil, so muscle aches nothing is proven more, effective or longer lasting than advil, because you need that to also sustain, you and relieve your pain, for long-lasting relief of muscle aches, count on advil, it's what you need to do count on advil, in a recent clinical study advil was, found to work better than tylenol, in relieving the pain of salt muscles, the day after exercise, no wonder no wonder doctors recommend, advil for muscle aches, more than any other non-prescription, brand advil, advanced medicine for pain so, this are some of the things you need to, realize that it's uh there's a call to, action over here as in, count on advil why should you count on, advil this is why you should count on, advil, and reaffirming that even doctors say, you should count on advil, so advil is your advanced medicine for, pain because it's long-lasting, and if you're having muscle aches you, need advil so this is, a good script and it's a good script, that can be brought to, even better life if you know how to, read your voice over script now this is, an explainer video, speaking of getting into character this, is an explainer video this sounds more, like this is, in character more like somebody who um, [Music], can relate to your pain or it's a, professional, or it's even somebody who does this same, exercise as well, and is trying to convince you that bro, advil is what i take, so getting into character is also very, essential when, you are reading a voice of a script, getting into character here is, more centered around trying to, be the convincing, person or voice to something that, a lot of people make mistakes with so, you must be calm you must be engaging, you must be approachable, in your tone you know you must not be, condescending unless, there's a part of the script that you, know, requires you to be which also would, trigger those emotions in the person who, may have made that mistake, that is trying to be corrected in the ad, so the question is would you like to buy, a house, is it something for you is it is this, something you want to do, would you like to buy a house it's a, question, if the person doesn't sound as, enthusiastic in that question, you might lose interest in what the, person has to say next, would you like to would you like to buy, a house would you like to buy a house, no would you like to buy a house if it's, something you've thought about you're, gonna be like, yeah it sounds like the person is, actually talking to you, maybe it's your first house this is, where the emotions are being picked up, maybe it's your first house, or even your second you just think that, maybe that is why it's been stressed, here, maybe you didn't think hard enough about, the last one, is that you does it ring a bell maybe, it's your first house, or even your second and you just think, that maybe, you didn't think hard enough about the, last one, listen i love real estate, so this is my this turns from um, being curious and trying to pique your, interest to now, conversation listen let me tell you, something or let me talk to you, i love real estate me the person, recording this ad, or talking to you right now and in most, cases even a bad deal can work to your, advantage in a very long run, so knowing that, first of all your voice over recording, doesn't always have to be a certain way, because not one size so not, one style fits all is essential, in reading so what is it that they want, from you, and if you put yourself in a listener's, position how would you, be convinced to act on what is being, read to you or what you're hearing so, these are some of the things that you, should, note and the final one was um, one which is different i used it in my, previous video as, my um example, for reading voiceovers and i'm bringing, it here again to also, um reinforce some of these um, principles for reading voiceovers that, you should, note so this one was the introduction, of a documentary which means that by the, time you're done with this it should, make you curious enough to want to, finish the rest of the film or continue, the narration from there so it's an, introduction you're a presenter, welcome to planet earth, like whoa it's like oh thank you like, it's, it's the voice you hear when you open, the door welcome, to planet earth it opens you up to oh my, god okay what's gonna happen, so you need to make the people feel the, warmth of that welcome, as well that's something you should note, so the first statement, either grabs your attention or not and, this one, should make the people want to listen to, what is coming next, welcome to planet earth a place of blue, nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water cool forest now, this one has a lot of descriptive words, so cool forest and soft meadows, a world positively positively, has to have you know some kind of, positivity, to it even in your face and how you, sound a world, positively rippling with life let the, people know it's positive, and then you come to the scientific or, the technical aspects of the things so, from the cosmic perspective, it is for the moment unique unique has, to be unique, sound like oh it's not it stands alone, it is for the moment, unique so again, these words will come to you over time, when you practice more and more you, listen to more voice-overs, that you know tend to, use these inflections and stress on, these, words with the emotion that they're, supposed to communicate, and it will come to you i i often say, that, voiceovers are 80 percent, listening or learning voice versus 80, listening to other voice artists and, picking these things and when you add, some of these techniques or when you, have the knowledge of some of these, techniques you're going to realize that, oh, that's why he said it this way or that's, why he was said that way, and for you as a listener this is what, it did for you, and also made you want to listen further, so yes i'm going to end today's video, here i hope you picked, up something if you have any questions, and like i was saying, i don't consider myself an expert i'm, somebody who's done this for, eight years and i'd love if somebody has, a different approach to some of these, things that i'm communicating, and also learn from you out there if you, have, um much more experience or if you had, something you want to add to this, to make it better for people who might, be watching this video, to learn more so, if you like this video don't forget to, give to give it a thumbs up, it really helps and, if you haven't subscribed to my channel, please do i'm going to try as much as, possible to record more of these videos, to help beginner voiceover artists, by sharing what i've picked up over the, last few years, so that we can all learn and better our, craft so, like this video subscribe to the channel, and don't forget to, hit the uh bell icon, hit the bell icon so that you get, notified when i post, a new video and yes it's it's only 10, of the people who have subscribed to, this channel who have clicked the bell, icon, so it's very important and, thank you for watching i'll catch you in, the next one, peace, you

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