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52 Hashtag Pernikahan Instagram

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What's Your Instagram Wedding Hashtag? -

What's Your Instagram Wedding Hashtag? - 0

Begini Caranya Menemukan Inspirasi Pernikahan Lewat Instagram

PRO hashtag data for #pernikahan Popular hashtags. Related hashtags to pernikahan that have the most posts we could find. Trending hashtags for... Medium difficulty hashtags. Easy difficulty hashtags. Exact hashtags. The number after … 1

What's Your Instagram Wedding Hashtag? -

The popularity of a particular hashtag is equal to the frequency of its use on Instagram. For example, the popularity of the hashtag #pernikahan such as 3,670,817 means that this hashtag has 3,670,817 posts on Instagram. It follows that the popularity … 2

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hey guys what's up today i am so excited, to share with you guys, how to create a good wedding hashtag now, if you're new here, my name is julia and i am the owner of, julia noel weddings, on my channel we share all sorts of tips, tricks advice, and anything that you guys might need to, plan your wedding before we jump into, how to create a good wedding hashtag i, first wanted to address, what is a wedding hashtag a hashtag is a, keyword, people use on their social media posts, to tag, that post with that keyword and then, other people that are looking for, similar content using that hashtag can, refer back to it and find it later the, same idea is commonly used for weddings, some people use their wedding hashtag in, the beginning of their planning, to help them get people excited and be, able to give information about their, wedding, while other brides opt to just use it, for the day to collect, photos and videos and other things from, their guests on the day of, in today's video i am going to be giving, you specific, tips and tricks when creating a wedding, hashtag i'll also share some examples, some, real life examples from real brides to, help you guys draw some inspiration, so let's get started, so you're looking for a good wedding, hashtag, think about this as your theme or your, slogan for your wedding what is the one, phrase that you want your guests to, associate with your big day so the first, thing, that i want you guys to do is brainstorm, jot down, anything that comes to mind that you, might want to leverage for your hashtag, first names last names any descriptors, professions, puns rhymes anything that comes to mind, just jot that down, now i'd like you to narrow it down look, at what you have jotted down, and what stands out to you do you really, like how your new last name looks on, paper and you just can't wait to use, that most brides feel that way, awesome circle it highlight it having a, focus will be especially helpful in this, process, the final step i know it sounds simple, but the final step is just to play, around with words, try to mishmash things together play, around with the words and how they sound, i know, it's way more complicated than that so, this video is not over, so now i'm going to give you some things, to consider and, tips that you should be aware of as, you're playing around with words because, this is this is definitely the hardest, part and then i'm going to give you real, life examples because i feel like when, you hear real life examples that's going, to help bring this idea to life and, really, allow you to think about your own, situation your own names and, and you guys will be able to come up, with something that you like so example, number one, puns and double meanings god i love puns, anybody that knows me, i'm a huge dork puns double meanings, that kind of stuff just, i love it so here i've got my handy, props, here is a sign that i made for a client, and, this is a great example of a pun because, they used the hashtag, naptime when you know her last name was, nap but it sounds like, a nap that you would take to sleep this, is a great example of a hashtag that, uses a pun, here's another example i had a bride, that asked me for some help with a, wedding hashtag, her name was mira wrathy she's marrying, a patel, so she wanted her new last name to be, incorporated in her hashtag so i went to, work and, the two that i'm especially proud of are, merely, a patel and rathabee a hotel, a hotel wow she's not gonna be a hotel, guys rather be, a patel now both have double meanings, i would even argue triple meanings the, first one can be interpreted two ways, it can either be interpreted as merrily, uh patel, or merely a patel but obviously using, her first name, so that's one that i was incredibly, proud of the other one, wrathy be a patel is a play on words, of her current last name and her new, last name rather be, a patel when you say it really fast i, think it makes more sense um, but i thought that was pretty honey if i, do say so myself, so pro tip make it short and sweet guys, i know, everybody loves coming up with the puns, everybody wants a pun, in their wedding hashtag but the one, thing that i see, over and over and over again is that, people try to force their hashtag to, have a pun, and then they end up with this really, really long hashtag, and let's get real no one is actually, going to type a hashtag that is a, million characters long, in their phone when they are posting, their photos they want something quick, they want something easy otherwise, they're not going to use it and what's, the point of having a wedding hashtag, if no one uses it the other thing is you, want it to be memorable and if it's too, long, people are going to be like wait wait, what was in that was it this or was it, that or i don't remember what it was, and then you would need to really make, sure that you have signage, more signage so that people can see it, more often, and it would just be hard for people to, remember and then lastly you even have, to think about signage, because if you're putting your hashtag, on a sign, like this you know this is legible this, is easy to read, from a good enough distance but what, happens, when you have a hashtag that is so long, that you really can't get it onto a, poster like that or onto a sign, like that and then you need the font to, be so so small, to fit the whole thing again it's not, going to be aesthetically pleasing it's, not going to make sense people are going, to have to go, really up close to even be able to read, the hashtag so, while yes it sounds really cool and you, might be proud of it in the moment, think about the logistics of your, hashtag as well you want it to be short, and sweet, now example number two alliteration oh, this takes me back, i love alliteration there's something, about alliteration that just reminds me, of my freshman year of high school, english class in a good way i love, alliteration for those that don't know, alliteration is when you have two, consonants that are somewhat next to, each other so that you get the, the double sound of the consonant so a, good example of that one would be, my hashtag that i chose so my hashtag, for my wedding is, finally ferrigno i get the two apps next, to each other there's no rhyme but, because you have the double f, it has a nice ring to it i will say the, reason i chose this hashtag, despite it not having a pun which i love, puns is because it had special meaning, to me so my husband and i were together, for over 10 years prior to us getting, married so, when we finally got married it literally, felt like finally we are finally married, my future sister-in-law's hashtag is, forever for right now and again you have, that alliteration you have the double, f pro tip make it unique the one thing, i'll say, about both finally freaknow and forever, foreign is that they're not, that unique frigno is a very common last, name too, so i bet if i googled those two hashtags, i'm bound to find, other brides that use them before i, don't really care about that all too, much, people will probably send me photos and, videos i'm sure people are going to be, posting it on their social media for me, to see, also the chances of me and another, ferrigno getting married with the same, hashtag on the same day, is also not that likely so it's not like, my photos and videos from my event, and my wedding are going to be entangled, with photos, and videos from someone else's wedding, during the same time period, so that's why it's not really a big deal, to me but that does bother some brides, so in those cases if it bothers you you, can always add your year, or you might want to opt for something a, little bit more unique next, rhyming harder than it looks i encourage, you guys when you think about rhyming, to go on those online sites where you, can search, words that rhyme with and just see what, comes up this can even be something that, you do as part of your, brainstorming exercise just jot down, words that rhyme with whatever other, words that you want in your hashtag, you should know pretty early on whether, or not your last name or the word that, you're, trying to rhyme with lends itself nicely, to a rhyming hashtag, now i know that i just got everybody, super excited about, rhyming and puns and alliteration and, double meanings and all of that, and that's great if you can come up with, something that has a pun, or that is unique like that awesome but, you don't have to, don't overthink it there are hashtags, that are more generic that are great, and that sound awesome and then they get, the job done so don't underestimate, the value in a hashtag with some generic, words, attached to them so for example my, go-to's let's use my last name as an, example so, my go-to's are usually marrying brigno, becoming a foreigner, meet the pharynx a ferrigno wedding the, list goes on, some last names might sound really nice, with me the, whatever especially if you have some, alliteration so there is some overlap of, course, a lot of online sites will generate, hashtags just like i did here, and they'll give you those generic ideas, so if you're really stumped and you want, to just, start there go for it i wouldn't spend, any actual money, on that i would just do the free, generators first because again there's, tons of free resources out there to help, you guys with hashtags you can even join, facebook groups that are out there to, help you with wedding hashtags, so there are people like myself and, others that are happy to help you, with brainstorming a hashtag for free so, as a quick, recap first brainstorm jot all of your, ideas down, put everything that you can even think, about on paper narrow it, to a single focus you guys can have, several focuses, but do the exercise using a narrow focus, if you try, to come up with so many ideas you're, never gonna nail, a single hashtag so focus your idea when, trying to play with the words and then, third, play with the words take that narrow, focus and just play around with words, play with rhymes play with alliterations, play with puns, and see what you come up with and and, sound them out and see how they feel to, you, so if you need help creating a good, wedding hashtag, put it in the comments below i would be, happy to help you guys, i especially love helping brides that, have tried this already but are still, stuck, so feel free to drop your names and, anything else that i should know about, you, in the comments below and if you want to, stay in touch with all things weddings, please like this video and subscribe to, my channel, and i can't wait to share more wedding, tips tricks and advice with you all, until next time happy wedding planning, just want to be the center of attention, you really you really just want to steal, the spotlight don't you mister

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