83 Ucapan Selamat Sukses Dalam Islam
ucapan selamat sukses dalam islam
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The 10 light of life Principles's, that will guide people to get ease,, comfort and successful life, the point is about prohibition to, DO NOT commiting Zina [unlawful sexual relations], There was somebody who go bankrupt because cheating and then zina, wasn't they ?, just practice this verse of Qur'an, Wallahi, see the changes and the light will appear. you said that you need to calm and comfort, you said that you need to calm down, you said that you need to comfort, Well, Surah An-Nur, contains about 10 light of life Principles's, 10 light of life Principles's, that will guide people, to get, ease,, comfortable and successful live, ease, comfort and success, some are successful but achieving it is difficult., it takes long process, so, we put an easy sentence, to achieve it fastly, somebody was easy to have success but felt uncomfortable, Success but unhappy, what do you choose ? Success, but unhappy, or unsuccess but happy. There is no third choose, and do not pressure ! [audiens laughing], so what will you choose?, Difficult, right?, Because happiness is always inherent with every pleasure, So, if there is a pleasure but you feel unhappy, it means that pleasure is not enjoyed it well., for example, someone who's sick, sicknees but felt calm down, or healthy but felt anxiety. What will you choose?, impossible,, definitely, both of them must inherent, because every particular of happiness should be one with pleasure on it., well., we have to inclose comfort sentences here, ease, comfort and success, the fist guiding light is, i mentions for general first and then including the verse of Qur'an., Excuses me. Sorry Madam, if you want to learn with me, you have to pattient, Sorry Madam, if you want to learn with me, you have to pattient, Because if you learn with me,, especially for Al-Qur'an. I will not explain it too general., i will explain you even for every letters, The important thing is we finish the topic, although until we die but at least we die on studying Al- Quran, Insya Allah, Fisrt, part of prohibition. DO NOT commiting Zina [unlawful sexual relations], DO NOT commiting Zina [unlawful sexual relations], So, if you want to success, DO NOT commiting Zina [unlawful sexual relations], There was somebody who go bankrupt because cheating and then zina, wasn't they ?, too many, that the fisrt. I will give more explaination step by step later, Second, prohibition to judge someone without evidence; defamation, as know as Fitnah, lets see, Many people were destroyed on their careers by Fitnah, Fitnah had demaged people's reputation, These cases are being viral now, Ya. take a look, Zina is spread., Even, there were dissertations that, trend to justify zina, Third, Prohibition to share HOAX, HOAX, Hoax is falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth, ., Does it happen now ?, Exactly. That all happened now. That why our life feel darkness., Look., we are in an era filled with darkness, Riot was everywhre, commotion, accusing each other are everywhere, The news almost everyday show a negative information., drunk, murder occurred , an accident happened, this is, almost everyday. please check it., i almost everyday see the news started from this, that, detik.com, orangmuslim, hidayatullah, Republika, CNN, BBC, i read all of them. Very worrying, full of darkness, is there no a good news everyday ?, about achievement,, an enjoyment thing happaned, increasing comfort facility, Please, try to compare the value between the things of darkness and the pleasure of light obtained., See. How big the percentage of ratio ?, what is the impact ?, The sources of light are extinguished so that darkness arises., If the light appears surely all the darkness disappears., That is the point., It looks like simple but it has deepest meaning, Fourth, Displaying wisdom in every problems, Usually, People who have many problems felt dark, right?, Suddenly, You got an unceremoniously removed from the company, dark, blank and stressful, You went home and everything feels empty., Your Eyes blank, no felt for anything., Well. Suddenly, There are an accident, sickness, badly sick, and passed away. until you mourn everything, So, This Verses will give a wisdom for every problems you've gotten., So that, If you have any problems, You will not feel excessive turmoil. You feel calm down., Fifth, Prohibition for easy to receiving news without validation, rumours- the truth of news didn't checked, Be aware, now happaned, Someone made a status on social media, then netizens immediately comment without checking the status first., Next,, Prohibition to find someone else's fault, exploiting the weakness of others, Prohibition to exploit, the weaknesses and mistakes of others, It also appears in this era., looking for the mistakes of people who are not expected,, Such as ustad [well-regarded teachers], For Example: Searching for Ustad Adi Hidayat fault's. Useless, iIf you are looking for the faults, it will be find but it never enough, Teachers fault is normal,, but it will be an unethical if a student looking for his teacher fault's, Simple, I try to be objective. if I'm wrong just leave me. And talk to me. If that's true, I'll fix it., So the correction is spread to the public, So, the public knows it's wrong, then the truth is this., or maybe you don't know, that it can do, but the reference was not reached until that's why I said, to you to don't spread it yet,, and doesn't make you embarrassed in the future, Clear ?, Next, Also shows the magnitude of oral sins, oral sins which are often considered minor, shows the magnitude of oral sins which are often considered minor, People now felt nothing when they lying., in fact, it has a big impact, [Example]: Mam, I want a candy, wait, I am studying. Candy mam candy, wait, i will buy you a truck of candy, Child will imagine that really happening, Sir, Mam, it looks like simple, but if you do not correct it, Child will makes it a habit, So, when your children being a parents, they will act the same way., And They are accustomed to hearing wrong sentences since childhood, If you need to go to work. Just say it truely., Don't ever say you just go around for awhile., [Example]; Child, Dady has to go., Where do yo wanna go, dad ? bring me with you dad., No, No I just go around. In the fact he need to go to work., Just say it truely to your children., so that immediately teach him, with the true methode, such as playing together, such as playing together. Tell him a simple story. Dady have to go to work as a teacher. I teach people., So, when i come back you will get new toys., we can play together, walk around together, studying together. If dady do not work we cannot do that again., Make your children understood with their ways., it is more great to make them know, comparing you make lying sentences., Do not show something wrong, eventhough for children, children are taught to be untrue, until they grow up, they are used to it, later he will manipulate the price of college needs., it was a reply from candy truck that your lying before., Prohibition to enjoy, The prohibition of enjoying, the spread of gossip that, befell Mu'min [believers]., I'm worried about all of these eighth ways are happening., so sad, The prohibition of enjoying the spread of gossip, that befell Mu'min [believers], Look at the news,, so many Mu'min are gossiped about, and even criticized. How many Ulama' have been denounced ?, How many Ustad were demeaned ?, there is a caricature , some are criticizing, some are making steering sentences and others, and others. And there is something even stranger, someone who enjoys it., And he is proud to enjoy it as a Muslim., That's very strange, The impact can blown the lights, that why many darkness appear., coming here was a commotion, even though I wanted to fill the islamic study ., this is chaos, that is commotion, if you want to do good it becomes a commotion,, then a lot of evil spreads riots, soccer was riots,, demage the facility., If a small scale cannot be put out, the fire will spread., From word ''Nurrun'' comes, word ''Narrun", means Fire, If you put fire, you let it and, add some material that make it inflame, such as fuel it will widespread, Thats why, if the light goes out, the fire will spread more. That's the most dangerous., Lets check, is the commotion ever expanding, isn't it?, From low level to broad level., Now, Between countries. Moving this and that., How long will it be like this ?, just practice this verse of Qur'an, Wallahi i said, see the changes and the light will appear., you said that you need to calm down, you said that you need to comfort, but the source is not done., And We say that we are Moeslim., And Next, Shadaqa law's for collega, Shadaqa law's for collega,, Specificly for close friends, we will see how the light comes from shadaqa., Masha Allah,, what a beautiful. We don't know when we are die., And when you die, suddenly,, your cousin who you were helped become a director, and helps your children, Your niece that you used to pay for her school fees, now has a good position in his job, And when you suddenly die, your children are cared for by him. These cases happen often., This is one of functions of Shadaqah. So, How to do shadaqah?, Does shadaqah always about giving money ? Of course, no., We will see the formula through the explanation of the verses of Al-Quran, The Last, 10., Presenting, Presenting the key to harmony in the household, How do we have the harmony in the family ?, it will explain in this verse, Finished ?, There are 10, right ?, Well, I repeat it again., Prohibition to commiting Zina, prohibition to judge someone without evidence or Fitnah., Prohibition to share HOAX, Displaying wisdom in every problems,, Displaying wisdom in every problems,, Prohibition for easy to receiving news without validation, then, prohibition to find someone fault's,, the magnitude of oral sins which are often considered minor., The prohibition of enjoying the spread of gossip that befell Mu'min [believers]., Then, Shadaqa law's for collega,, And Tips or key to have the harmony in household., Alright, Finished all?, All of them will explain in this verse., Hopefully, After this explaination, we will get the guiding of kindness light's, Insya Allah,, Clear enough ?, Well. Now, before I start all tenth points., before I start all tenth points., I will emphasize with the first verse, This law of light will come if the first rule is applied., The key is in first verse., If the first verse is not practiced. So, it is impossible for lights, to appear in our lives. All the tenth., What is the first?, [reciting al-quran], I Stopped it here., [Reciting Al-Quran], Allah said that, Are you understand ?, So, the basic rules in Surrah An-Nur is, if you want to get all the guides of the lights, So, You must ready to, practice every single letters that mention by Allah in the verse., of Surrah An- Nur, Before, i explain the detail of the surrah, I will take a commitment for you all., If you are disagree to commit so i don't want to explains it anymore., even one verses or one letter., The First Questions is, Are you ready to practise all the rules in theses verses?, Are you ready, Insha Allah?, Well. If you are ready so i will provide a curriculum, From this curriculum. i will make a summary including today materi's., Every next chapter, i will give you a synopsis, to study at home after discussing.