39 Nama Hewan Langka
nama hewan langka
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 0
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 1
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 2
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 3
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 4
Aug 28, 2016 · Penyebutan nama nama hewan langka ini, agar kita semakin bijaksana menyikapi kelangsungan hidup hewan di alamnya. Hewan langka yang terangkum ini juga dilengkapi gambar agar kita lebih mengenal akan hewan hewan langka ini. Selain memakai bahasa Indonesia dalam penyebuta namanya juga memakainama latin (nama … 5
Dec 20, 2021 · 1. Komodo. Hewan langka yang pertama adalah komodo. Komodo, sebagai hewan langka pertama di Indonesia juga menjadi satu-satunya hewan purba yang masih hidup hingga saat ini. Hewan langka ini memiliki nama lain Varatus … 6
Dec 04, 2019 · Nah, kamu yang suka jalan-jalan, tak ada salahnya untuk melihat 12 hewan langka di dunia ini. Selain bisa menjadi kesempatan besar, siapa tahu kamu bisa turut membantu melindungi hewan-hewan … 7
Hewan Langka Di Sulawesi » Greatnesia 8
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 9
10 Hewan Langka di Indonesia yang Terancam Punah dan Wajib Dilindungi | BukaReview 10
11 Hewan Langka Yang Hampir Punah Beserta Gambarnya | Soal Terbaru 11
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 12
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 13
10 Hewan Langka di Indonesia dan Hampir Punah | Berita Jujur 14
√ 11 Hewan Langka Di Indonesia / Dilindungi / Terancam Punah 15
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 16
10 Hewan Langka Di Indonesia Dan 10 Tumbuhan Langka Di Indonesia 17
Hewan unik dan langka di dunia | Hewan Langka di Indonesia | Hewan Paling Unik di Dunia - YouTube 18
10 Hewan Langka di Dunia Hampir Punah, Ada Yang Berasal Dari Indonesia 19
10 Hewan Langka di Dunia yang Hampir Punah, Ada dari Indonesia 20
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 21
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 22
Hewan Langka di Indonesia Beserta Gambar dan Asalnya - Daftarhewan.com 23
PJJ kelas 11 MAN 1 Garut: ringkasan hewan langka di Indonesia nama dan gambar 24
hewan lucu 2016: hewan langka dunia Images 25
Hewan Langka Indonesia yang harus di lestarikan | dulayex blog 26
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40 Lebih Foto Hewan Langka Di Indonesia Beserta Daerah Asalnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 28
Gambar Dan Nama Hewan Langka - AR Production 29
Terkeren 36+ Nama Hewan Langka Di Singapura 30
13 Hewan Langka di Indonesia Beserta Gambar dan Asalnya – Daftarhewan.com 31
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 32
Inilah 25 Nama Nama Hewan Langka Di Indonesia Yang Terancam Punah - YouTube 33
Nama Nama Hewan Langka Beserta Gambarnya | Nama-Nama Hewan 34
This world holds a lot of unique things that maybe we have never seen before, one of them is a type of animal that lives on this earth, most people have probably seen a lot of animals that they often see in their lives, But in fact it is only a small part of the many animals in this world, There are still many types of animals that live in this world, including also animals that are rare and very rarely encountered, Here are some rare and unique animals that have lived in the world, But before entering into the discussion further, if you like the video, please click the like button, and share the video on your social media too, so your friends will know too, if you like the contents of this channel click the subscribe button below this video, so you don't miss an interesting video every week from TOP LIST, Giant Salamander, Giant Salamanders are the largest type of amphibian in the world, animals that are included in this rare type of animal originated from southern China, and most are also found in Japan, however, Japanese giant salamanders are slightly smaller than Chinese giant salamanders, This animal has a body size that reaches almost 2 meters in length and weighs about 30 kg, besides its large size, giant salamanders also have a very long life span, Giant salamanders can live to be 200 years old, Pig-toothed purple frog, This rare type of frog that has a unique shape originates from India, At first the purple frog was not considered as one type of frog, because it has a slightly different body from frogs in general, but after careful examination it turns out that the animal's anatomy is similar to a frog's, and entered into a new frog species, This frog has a round body, short legs, small eyes, and has a snout that is similar to a pig snout, These animals live in the soil at a depth of about 4 meters and very rarely come out to the surface, therefore, purple frogs are very rarely encountered, Shoebill bird, The shoebill is an ancient bird known as a strong and unique-looking bird, At first glance, this animal is very similar to the shape of a dinosaur, with a very large face and beak, so it looks like it's not balanced between the beak and the body, The beak of a shoebill has a length that reaches 24 cm, a width of 20 cm, and very similar to the beak of a shoe, besides its beak, the shoebill's body is also quite large, The body of a shoebill has a weight of 6.8 kg and its height is about 140 cm, with its size, this bird also belongs to the tallest and largest bird species in the world, The habitat of shoebills is in swamps and is found on the continent of Africa, precisely in eastern Africa, Blue dragon sea slug, Sea slug that has a shape similar to a dragon is one of the dangerous marine animals, Although it has a beautiful body, the blue dragon's sea snail's body has a sting that can sting anyone who touches it, Toxins in these animal stings are obtained from their prey, namely poisonous jellyfish, Blue dragon sea snails are known as animals that prey on poisonous jellyfish, and absorb poisons from their prey for survival, Animals that have the scientific name galucus atlanticus are very rarely seen by humans, because it has a very small size, but these animals are often seen floating in the waters around the coast, so that it can endanger visitors if you do not know about this animal, Tasmania tiger, The Tasmanian Tiger is one of the animals claimed to have gone extinct around 80 years ago, Animals originating from the island of Tasmania, the southern part of the Australian continent, has a body shape that is quite unique, the face of this animal resembles a wolf, its body has a pattern like a tiger, and has a stomach bag like a kangaroo, Although it has been claimed as an extinct animal, many residents around who said that they still often see these animals hanging around, even many residents who try to record it, Residents around still believe that the Tasmanian tiger is still alive, and still roaming in the forest, Those are some of the rare and unique animals that have ever lived in the world, Thank you for all of you who watched this video, If you like the video, don't forget to like the video, Ok see u guys