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23 Contoh Script Voice Over Iklan

contoh script voice over iklan

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if you're just starting your voice over, career and you have no idea how to use, any recording software then this video, is for you and don't worry we're just, gonna stick to the very basics so you, don't get overwhelmed and best of all, this software is for free so if you're, ready to learn let's get started, [Music], hey what's happening welcome back to, speak easy where we talk about your, voice over career especially if you're, just starting out and if this is the, first time we're meeting hi my name is, anna i'm a freelance voice over talent, and i have been for a while so it's my, goal on this channel to help you out as, much as i can by sharing some tips and, tricks that i swear by and a few of you, have asked me how to use audacity, because everybody here knows that, audacity is my go-to recording software, because it does the job and also it's, for free we are just going to touch on, the basics so you don't get overwhelmed, so learn this first and then we can, maybe advance in the future now it's not, like i'm an expert on the technical side, of stuff because what i used to do is, just record for the client go to their, studio record and i'm done and now, during this crazy times my clients would, just ask me to record what i have on a, studio microphone in a quiet room so, that's why i use my makeshift studio and, also to take out any of the mistakes, that i have and that's all that's their, basic requirement and that's what i do, so that's what you can also do for your, direct clients or your projects on, fiverr voice one two three or voice, bunny alright so let's get cracking but, first of all you do need to download, audacity and that is such a simple step, that i know i don't have to show you but, i will link it down below so you can, find it faster so what you want to do, right now is pause the video and, download it i'll wait for you all right, welcome back it was very easy right so, right now i'm going to have to invite, you to go behind me again so we can have, a look at my screen all right welcome to, my screen so this is audacity this is, how it looks like and hopefully when you, look at yours you are seeing, basically the same thing they do have, upgrades from time to time but it won't, be too different okay so let's make some, movement over here this my cursor i did, say that we are just going to tackle the, basics because most of the people who, asked the questions just wanted the very, basic this is for, servers who are starting their career, but this is your client asking you to, record yourself so this is what you do, uh you download audacity and then you, learn the buttons so of course we will, start here, of course this will be your pause button, so anytime that you want to pause your, recording you can hit that one and of, course this is the play button, which is for your playback when you want, to listen to what you have recorded this, is your stop button this button will, take you all the way back to the, beginning of your recording and this one, will take you all the way to the end of, your recording and of course this is the, most important button of all because, this is the record button this is a loop, button but since this is the very basic, we're not going to touch on that right, now we'll skip right here let me just, tell you what this is about you can, actually, check your noise floor over here so, noise floor are the noise that you can, barely hear yourself but your microphone, picks it up in the room that you're, recording it so it could be the humming, of your computer the humming of your, microphone, a small background noise that you don't, hear but your microphone picks it up how, you can monitor that is to click this, area here it says to click to start, monitoring so i'll click it and then, i'll stay quiet okay, as you can see there was no noise at all, so uh the noise floor here in my room is, very good so that's very important so, that's how you can actually see if your, noise floor in the room is good so let's, click that, again and then it stops monitoring for, you so on we go with the next one of, course this is the volume of your, microphone, and this is the volume of your playback, when you're listening to your recording, alright so let me show you how this, bunch over here works of course this is, cut this is copy this is paste, this is to trim the file and this is to, silence the audio that you select okay, we need a file that we can select so, let's just record a little bit, hi everyone this is speakeasy my name is, anna it's good to have you here this is, for anyone out there who is aspiring to, be a voice over talent and hopefully, you'll find a thing or two that will, help you in your career, all right so let's make that our file, let's go with the first button right, here which is the cut button so say for, example you want to get rid of this part, over here so what you want to do is, highlight that so you can do that either, on your trackpad or your mouse, so once you've highlighted that you just, click, cut and then it's gone, alright now say for example this line, over here needs to be repeated, so again you just copy that you, highlight that and then you, uh press the copy button over here, and then you go to wherever you want to, paste it so let's just say for example, here so you put your cursor there, and then you press, the paste button, so there it is, so that portion over there repeated, itself okay, and then let's say that this part here, is the only thing that you, recorded correctly, and the rest are bad and you know you, have no use for it so you want to save, this part so you highlight that part and, then, you push trim, and then it saves only that track only, that portion in your track okay, so let's undo that first because i still, need the rest of the files, so for example um, this whole thing over here you want to, silence but you still need that space, um from here to here for whatever reason, you still want that space between this, line over here and this line so all you, have to do, is press silence, and there you go it will it will be, silent it won't have any noise so that's, a fast explanation about, those buttons over here and of course, this is the, undo and the redo button, this is of course to just, zoom into a file like for example you, had a breath there and it was very tiny, so what you can do, is just push on the zoom button a couple, of times, and it will give you a magnified, version, of the track so you can easily cut down, on whatever you want to take out so, there you go it's gone so of course this, will be, to put it back in normal size right, there, and for this ones we won't have to touch, on that because we will keep it very, basic for this tutorial over here of, course again this is the playback speed, and button of course you just want to, keep it at its default so there you go, for core audio right here i don't touch, it i just leave it there but of course, for the microphone you get to choose, whatever microphone you want to use so, again i'm using my shure mv7, you have your built-in microphone and of, course a zoom audio device but i always, use my sure mv7, for a mono recordings um, uh you have a choice to, have of course the stereo and mono but, clients or my clients anyway i don't, want to speak for all the clients out, there but they do prefer, money recording channel of course, built-in output, i just make sure it's in the built-in, output over here and of course over here, is the track that you're recording it so, this is where it will be displayed, alright so hopefully i was able to help, you identify most of the buttons over, here alright so i guess it's time to, record something right now so let's go, to my makeshift recording booth ta-da, welcome to my makeshift studio my diy, vocal recording booth and if you're new, here well then you might want to watch, this video right here to find out how i, set this whole thing up and it's so, affordable and it's so easy to do so, that is one thing that you might want to, check out before you actually do this, because this is all about recording, right but if you're not so new here well, then you have already seen this, recording studio of mine this is where, the magic happens so they say so i'm, about to show you how i record on, audacity so that you can see me clean it, up and do all sorts of stuff with it all, right so let's get started with this, recording of our sample voice over i'm, going to use an actual script from a, client but i'm going to change the, product name okay, hi there and welcome to anna's world in, today's video i'm going to show you how, to get started with anna's world, we suggest using mozilla fox or google, chrome, go to, go to ana's world, go to alice world, go to the ana's world website by typing, into your browser search, box all right i think that's going to do, it i think that's enough and so right, now it's time to clean up our file, all right now we're done recording it's, time to clean up our file but before, that if you're getting value from this, video do give me a thumbs up right now, okay i'm back and uh we are about to, clean up our files i recorded the track, so here it is here is our track, and let us try to clean it up right now, hi there and welcome to anna's world in, today's video i'm going to show you how, to get started with anna's world we, suggest using mozilla box or google, chrome, go to the help, as you can see right there we made a, mistake so, let us use this button right here first, to zoom it in so that we can see it, clearly, is this the one, go to the help, go to, go to ana's world go to anna's world, all right so as you can see there are a, lot of mistakes there so i know that, this is the correct um line or delivery, right here okay so what we want to do is, erase these mistakes over here, starting from this line, all right so i will highlight that, all the way up to here, and then i will use this button the cut, button, to take it out, so let's play back we suggest using, bazilla fox or google chrome, go to the anna's world website by typing, into your browser search, box get your username and password ready, and let's click login, all right so we'll leave it at that for, now so the next line is all the way over, here, because i had to read the script so we, will, take out this space right here not too, close but let's take out that breath, over there as well so again you can, either use this button over here or you, can actually use the delete button on, your keyboard so for this time i'm going, to show you well i can't show you but i, will just use my delete button on my, keyboard, and there you go, so again there are many spaces over here, with breath so let's take those out and, over here if you can hear it, those are tiny breaths that i have so i, also, cut those out, okay so again there was a mistake over, there, so again you just highlight that section, over there, and use the sister icon, all right so that's the last of that so, maybe we can just take this out, all right so now let's say for example, um over here there is a tiny breath over, here, tiny breath over here let's hear it, so let's see what that is about like, what is that you're wondering so again, press the zoom in button, so it's a really tiny breath, so, i want to take that out but i don't want, this next line to be too close to the, last line so i do want to keep that, space in there so what i would press is, the silenced button over here, so it keeps that space it doesn't close, it up but you will not hear the breath, anymore, so there you go, now say for example like this part over, here to the anna's world website by, typing so let's just say, this uh part over here you want to, repeat at the very end so you select, that part, it's right over here, you do want to kind of zoom that in and, make sure that you got the right file go, to the anna's world website by typing, so there you go that is, the selection right there that you want, to repeat again at the very end so what, you want to do is hit copy, right and then go all the way to the end, of the recording so you can push this, part over here it takes you all the way, until the end and then paste it, because it's a very important, um piece of, information, so let's hear it, might not make sense though, go to the ana's world website by typing,, so there you go, that's how you actually clean the tracks, for, your recordings on audacity so let's, just say, this is the complete file and you're, ready to save it so what you want to do, now, is go, to, file, and then hit export and then export as, mp3 of course some of your clients will, want for you to export it as wove but, right now we are just going to use, mp3 because wob just takes up too much, space, okay so we are saving it, and of course you do want to label it, properly so let's just say for example, this is a rough cut of the audio rough, cut audio sample, and, let's make it sample for audacity, okay so you have to make sure that you, name your files correctly so that it's, easy to identify them, so for now i'm going to save it on my, desktop, and again it's on, mp3 file so i just have the preset the, standard, for quality and then join stereo and, then just save, okay and then, just save it again, and that will become an mp3 on your, desktop it's really as easy as that, before we get to my bonus tip let me, invite you once again to hit the like, button if you're getting value from this, video and also tap that notification, bell that you see over there just so you, know if i have any new videos out all, right so a lot of you had asked me how, to get rid of, noise in the background, and how to improve uh the volume of the, recording i can show you what you can do, if you do have some noise in your, recording room this is called noise, reduction now this will not get rid of, breath or background noise like traffic, or sirens but it can help reduce, fan noise of your computer, the humming that's coming from your wall, for whatever reason, it can fix that a little bit but it's, not like magic that it will get rid of, it but it can help so if that is what, you're wanting to do, let's see if i can record something with, a little bit of noise, so i turned on my electric fan in the, background and let's just record it, starting from here, but as you can see, if i stop talking, the microphone picks it up over here, there you go, so let's see what we can do about that, so let's see if we can hear the fan here, so as you can hear i don't know if you, can hear it clearly but there is a, floor noise over, in these silent spaces in here, so what we can do, is, select this as noise profile, and then, choose noise reduction, get noise profile, and then for this whole thing here let's, just select that, all the way up until the end, and choose, noise reduction again, and then, this is my preset right here you can, copy that if you want, and then just hit ok, and audacity will, reduce the noise of the fan let's see if, it does or, if it doesn't hang on, so i really can't hear it anymore, the fan, all right so another thing that you can, do let's just say that this whole file, here you feel that the waveform is just, too small, too low so let's just say for example, let us get that, clip let's select that clip over there, go to normalize, hit that again, and then, just hit ok, and it brings up your recording a little, bit but not too high, that it peaks just right so there you go, those are just my two tricks that i, usually do if my clients don't mind, that is noise reduction and normalize on, audacity and i hope that will really, help you out as well and there you have, it the basic steps that you need to know, in order to use audacity as your, recording software for your voice over, of course audacity offers so much more, than this so if you want me to make, another video on that do let me know, down at the comment section and let me, see what i can do for you, and if you are looking for more voice, over tips and tricks and if you also, want to improve your communication, skills in english do watch these videos, with that i wish you all a fantastic day, and i'll see you in my next video cheers, [Music]

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