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24 Contoh Laporan Berbentuk Formulir

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Hello, Assalamu alaikum all friends, see you again with me on the wardana community channel. In, this video, I will share how to fill in hourly or hourly data, production reports for, a mining company. This hourly or hourly data entry is very important because it is used, for making daily reports or daily reports, weekly reports or weekly reports, and monthly reports or monly reports. Ok buddy, without lingering, let's go straight to the, steps. But before continuing, for friends who have just joined, please like and subscribe, to this video so that this channel continues to grow. Ok guys. To make this daily report, my friend, must have a master report first. For those of you who don't have it yet. And want, the master, can communicate in the comments column. The first step is to copy the hourly master and, paste it here. then change the name according to the date of manufacture. Because we have arrived, on the 6th, we will continue on July 7, 2021. Then we will open the file. First, we will, go to the POP sheet. Which means the population of units. Here it needs to be adjusted to the type of, unit at your place. What units are operating in your respective mines?, This one is for charging unit loading. There are exsa 101, 102 etc. Below is for filling the hauling unit,, in the form of DT hino 14, 15, 16 and so on. Below it is for charging the support unit. In the form of Doser 15,, 19 and grader. The filling of this unit is adjusted to the units at your respective mine site, . After matching the existing units, we go to the Operator sheet. Here to fill in the HM, of the exsa unit. Here's the list. there are exsa 101, 102 etc. List here according to the data in, the population sheet earlier. The one above is for the day shift. And the bottom one for the night shift. Suppose, for exsa 101 HM initially 1288.40 and HM finally 1298.20. for this filling use a, period, not a comma, And the results will automatically be filled here. In this column to fill in, the name of the operator. For example, Mr. Sugeng. In this column to select the activities of the exa, . There are exsa loading, general and exsa breakdown. We choose exsa loading. This column is, for selecting the material type. no OB, Coal or CL etc. This we choose OB only. Next to this is, to fill the distance, from the front to the disposal. Suppose 400 m. For exsa 102. We, also fill in the HM. For example 1049.60 and 1060.10. and for example there is a jump HM or the unit has a breakdown,, then enter it here. Let's say 1054.60 and 1055.60. then automatically the results here will be, reduced. Then his name for example is Mr. Mare. For activities, the activities are still the same as, exsa loading, the type of material is the same, OB. For example, the distance is 450m. For exsa 311, let's say the HM, is 1470 and 1480. For the name of the operator, for example, Mr. Bello. The activities are the same,, exsa loading, for the material, for example coal or CL. For loading coal and general, there is, no need to fill in the distance. After this is completed, we go to the DT sheet. Here to fill in the, fleet settings of each exsa. The one above is for the day shift. And the one below is for the night shift., For exsa 101, let's say the operating DTs are HN 14, 15, and 16. We just need to select the unit, in this table. For exsa 102 for example HN 17, 18 and 19. For exsa 311 it is located, here. In accordance with the order. For example, here the HN is 20, 21 and 22. If all of them have been filled in,, we will proceed to the exsa 101 sheet. In this column, fill in the results of the ritase of each DT. The one, above is for the day shift. And the one below is for the night shift. For example, for HN 14 it can be 3, 8,, 7, 8, 8, , 7, 8, 8, 6, and 4. For HN 15, for example, it can be 5, 7, 8, 8, 11 o'clock is empty,, and 1 hour is also empty , then 7, 7, 6, and 3. For HN 16, for example, you can get 4, 8,, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8, 5 and 3. So this rate is obtained from the data in the field. From data checkers or, supervisors in the field. We continue to fill in the type of material that is loaded. You can choose directly in, this column. Suppose here OB. This is also OB. Or it can be written directly, typed via the keyboard., OB, this one is also OB. this is also OB. Or even faster, can also be copied. For example, block, and then copy, and paste it here. Then let's just copy faster. Blocked then copy and, paste here. Also here. Once filled in, we pay attention to the emoji code that appears here., This white one shows a flat, flat expression. This means that it is on standby or doing, general. The yellow one shows a sad expression, meaning that the production target has not, been achieved. And this blue one shows his smiling expression. This means that the production target, can be achieved, it can exceed the planned production target. For yellow ones, it is, necessary to find out what the problem is so that production is not achieved. This is in the, first hour, for example, the front loading condition is not ready. So here we select start front. Now, pay attention here, which was previously yellow with less data description. Now change, to OK. The one at 11 o'clock is also yellow. we check here it turns out that there is a DT that is not operating, because it is damaged. So here we choose DT breakdown. It's automatically changed okay. The one at 1 o'clock is also, yellow. It turns out that the DT is still a breakdown. We fill here DT breakdown. Down here, are two yellow ones. It turned out that there was a drizzle at the mine site. So here we, choose for example the slippery road. The one below is the same. slippery road. Well then equate HM., The number of HMs down here must be the same as the HMs above here. This amounts to 9.8 hours. then, below here should also be the same. Since this is more, then we find out where the difference is. Of the 12, hours available, it has been used for any activity. For example, in the first hour it is, used to change ship for 30 minutes. The code is D13, For P2H 20 minutes, Code is D01,, and for P5M 10 minutes. The code is D15. To see this code, my friend can see it in the table, next to it. This is P2H, the code is D01. This is a change ship, the code is D13. P5M code is D15. Next, for the break the code is D09. So we enter it here. We choose D09. We fill, 60 minutes. Then it was raining, we checked here for rain, the code is I01, so, we fill it in here. I01. We fill according to the number of missing hours. Suppose 12 minutes. We check the, HM below. It's 9.8 hours here. Let's look at the HM above. It's been the same. 9.8 hours. After the HM is the same,, we continue to the exsa 102 sheet. The method of filling is the same as the exsa 101. Here to fill in the, DT ritase. For example, HN 17 gets 6, 7, 8, 8, 3, 2, 8, 7, 5, and 5. For HN 18, let's say 7,, 8, 8, 7, 3, 2, 7, 8, 6 and 5. For HN 19, for example, you can get 6, 8, 7, 8, 2, 3, 8, 8, 5 and 6, . For example, OB. Let's quickly copy it from here. In, block then cpy. And paste it here. Paste. In here also. Paste. In here also. Paste. Then it's the, same. the yellow one we find out what the problem is. This is in the first hour,, for example the condition of the front loading is also not ready. So it is necessary to prepare the front first., So here we select start front. It's the same here too. change automatically. Next,, the one at 11 o'clock is also yellow. we check here. It turns out that there are HM jumps or HM breakdowns., The Exsa unit is experiencing Low Power, for example. So in the description, we fill in exsa low power., And here we select information related to the EXSA breakdown. For example, because, of the breakdown, it causes the frot to become crowded. Then we choose Crowded front. It's the, same here. Front Crowded. Then here, because of one location, the problem is the same. That is, raining. So here the information is also the same, namely the slippery road. Here, too, the road is slippery., Then we equate the HM. Here for change shifts, P2H and P5M are already filled. Let's continue with the, break first. Fill in the code D09. Then fill in 60 minutes. Then we fill in how long the breakdon exsa 102 is, . Here select the type of damage. Because of Low Power. Then including Unscedul Maintenent. Or, USM. The breakdown time, for example, is 18 minutes. Then continue here. For rain, we fill in the code, I01, and fill in for example 12 minutes. Then we check the HM. Here there are 9.5 hours. Let's see HM, Above. It's been the same. 9.5 hours. Then we continue to Sheet exsa 311. The method of filling, is the same. For example for HN 20 it can be 4, 6, 7, 5, 4, 1, 1, and 2. For example for HN 21 it can be 4,, 6, 5, 7, 3, 1, 2 and the next is empty. For example, for HN 22 it can be 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, 1,, 1, and 2. Then we will also fill in the type of material being loaded. Suppose OB too. Let's quickly, copy it from here. In the block then copy. And paste it here. Paste. In here also. Paste., In here also. Paste. The one in the hour after the break, for example Loading Coal. So here the code is, CL. Here too CL, CL. Let's just copy quickly. Blocked then copy. Then Paste. Paste., Then it's the same. the yellow one we find out what the problem is. This is in the first hour,, it is usually rare to achieve the production target. There's just a problem. So, we just fill it with Start front. It's the same here too. change automatically. Next, This one is, also yellow. Suppose the problem is disposal crowded. Then what needs to be considered here, is. There are EWH OB, EWH CO, GEN OB and GEN CO. because here loading coal. . then in the, EWH CO column we fill in 60 minutes, 60 minutes, 60 minutes. So there are 3 hours. And in the description we write, loading Coal. Below is the same. Let's just copy so fast. Then because it's empty here,, there is no activity. This was because it was raining, and he couldn't continue hauling the, coal because the road was slippery. So, for example, exsa 311 is used for general. Suppose 1 hour, for general CO. then it is written here 60 minutes. And in the description it is written for example cleaning, Coal. Then suppose below is used for general OB. So filled here 60 minutes. And because, of the rainy conditions, in the description it is written for example. Make a ditch. Then here the HM has 11, hours. We'll see at the top. HM is 10 hours. That means one hour difference. It turns out that the break, has not been filled. For breaks the code is D09. it is filled 60 minutes. So the WH here is used for 5 hours, for OB production, 3 hours for coal production, 1 hour for General OB and 1 hour for, general coal. There are 10 hours in total. So it's the same. Then proceed to the sheet report., In this section, the Effective Working Horse of each, EXSA unit has been filled automatically. In this column for Effective Working Horse or EWH OB, EWH coal, EWH general OB,, EWH general Coal. And this is for his OB production, this one is for his Coal production. The one above, is for the day shift and below is for the night shift. This one is the product of the excavator. And, this is the product of a dump truck. Then what needs to be considered is the production from, this excavator must be the same as the production from the dump truck here. If it's not the same, then we go, to the DT sheet first. Here, HN 20, 21 and 22 are used for hauling coal. So we, check sheet 311 to get the rate for each DT. Here, it turns out that for HN 20, 21, and 22, they get 4, 3 and 4 rits, respectively. Then we return to the DT sheet. We swipe, right. So here it is filled for HN 20, 21 and 22 respectively 4, 3 and 4rit. Then we go to the, sheet report again. We check whether the numbers are the same. Here the OB production is 4,068, bcm and the coal is 220 tons. We'll see in the table DT. It turned out to be the same. Next, we go to the detailed Performance sheet. In Performance this detail is to fill in the HM of the DT and support units., Above this is for the total day shift and night shift. Below is for the day shift, and Below, is for the night shift. We fill the HM in the afternoon shift. Suppose for HN 14 is 9.8,, HN 15, 7.3, HN 16, 9.9 , HN 17, 7.6, HN 18, 9.7, HN 19, 9.4 HN 20, 7.5, HN 21,, 5.6 and HN 22, 7.5 hours. Then the HM support unit is also filled. Let's say Dz15, 7 hours, Dz19, 5.2 hours,, and Grader 3.1 hours. As in charging exsa. Here we also enter for change ship, P2H,, P5M and rest. The code is the same. The only difference is charging here in the form of a clock. So, the way of writing, for example, for 20 minutes of P2H is written 20 per 60, then D09 is written, 1 hour, then change ship is 30 minutes, written 30/60, then P5M is 10 minutes, written 10/60., Then we copy and paste in all DT units. Then paste it in the support unit as well., Then look at the column to the left of this. In this column must be zero. Because there's still, time here. We look for the cause. Remember there was a DT breakdown. We check the exsa 101 sheet., Here HN 15 breakdown for 2 hours. We return to the detailed performance sheet. For HN, 15, for example, the breakdown is a broken spring, then it is entered in Unscheduled maintenent or, USM. Written 2 hours. Next, there is HN 21. The HM is low. Only 5.6. it turns out that, there is a breakdown of 2.5 hours, for example a broken tire. Because the tire burst, then we fill it, in TRM or Tire Maintenent. for 2.5 hours. For other DT units, we just fill in the remaining time, during rainy hours. Suppose HN 14 is still 0.2, then we fill it in I01. We can, type directly like this 0.2. Or let's hurry, we just copy it. In the block, copy and paste the value here. Then remove the minus sign. We'll see again. Well now it's all zero. For, the support unit. Because he does not work full time. Then the rest of the time for standby or no job. The code is D10. We block, copy and then look for D10 then paste the value. remove the, mines mark. We check again, here everything is zero. Well, that's all my friends. How to fill in hourly or hourly data, production reports for a mining company. Furthermore, this data is used, for making daily reports or daily reports, weekly reports or weekly reports and, monthly reports or monthly reports. From filling in this haourly data, it can be known the breakdown hours,, production results, SR or striping ratio PA, MA and UA of each unit. However, , because this discussion is quite long, I will divide this video into 3 parts. For, further discussion, namely how to fill in the data base for making daily,, weekly and monthly reports, see the following video. The link for it is in the description., So that all friends can be proficient in making reports. Please continue to follow the next video. Ok, guys. It's time to say goodbye. If this video is useful and inspiring, please Like,, Subscribe and share this video. Thank you for watching this video, see you in, my next video. And finally, Wa salamu alaikum warohamatullohi wa barokatuh.

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