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48 Teks Moderator Webinar Online

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[Music], thanks for joining us for another, episode in our webinar best practices, series this week we're looking at, moderation and it's quite apt that this, week I'll be taking the role of, moderator and we brought in guest, speaker Lev crib who is our resident, host and hosting a moderation expert, here at webinar experts and LEDs just to, start us off first of all why is it so, important to have a moderator and what, can that bring to a webinar well first, of all moderating host often are used, interchangeably sometimes it's the same, sometimes it can mean different things, but for all intensive purposes for us, today we're talking about moderators for, webinars and a moderator a good, moderator can instantly make your, webinar sound a lot more professional, that's for sure and it adds more of a, dynamic between the speakers and a, moderator by by having that go back and, forth a little bit by having a bit of a, conversation, it saves having to listen to one or two, speakers present for half an hour 45, minutes or up to an hour and it just, creates a bit of a better delivery, overall it also adds consistency of, format so you would for example have the, same moderator and the audience will, come back for that audience like, consistency in the webinar so having a, consistent moderator presenting and, moderating in a consistent way helps the, overall format of your of your webinars, as well and I suppose most importantly, it allows the speakers to focus on their, content that's what they're there for, they are the experts in that so that's a, really important role so that the, moderators can take some of the, housekeeping items away from from the or, from the speakers as well okay brilliant, so with that in mind how does a, moderator help with engagement you know, particularly the engagement tools you, might use throughout the webinar you, know specifically we might look at the, Q&A how does it moderator help and push, that forward and help the speakers in, what they're doing, yeah it comes back to the to the point, about speakers focusing on content they, shouldn't have to worry about how the, platform works what housekeeping items, to cover at the beginning how to cover, the Q&A at the end, that's the moderators role and really, that's that's what they're there for is, to make their their speaker more, comfortable in addition to obviously, creating that that consistent format and, then it helps when when moderator and, speakers take it in turn so, for example as a moderator I would come, in from time to time to remind the, audience that they can ask questions, remind them that there is a QA refer, perhaps to some resources that lead on, from the subject be it in a webinar, series white papers that are related or, certain parts of the website as well and, that's a lot more dynamic as a webinar, delivery as opposed to just having a, long monologue for example so talking, about guests not all speakers are, natural at what they do, you know a lot of these are experts in, their fields and speaking doesn't always, come naturally to them what do you do as, a moderator to make the speaker's feel, comfortable and and energetic in what, they're doing when they're present when, they're working with you on a webinar, yeah a lot of that work is done upfront, before the webinar she goes live and, there's quite a few hours involved, typically to prepare for that prepare, for the speakers for example and you, know that could include for example, walkthrough of the logistics what will, happen on the day of the webinar when do, we dial in what do we do in the pre call, what will be the format and who does, what during the webinar speakers don't, like surprises they want to focus on the, content so they should so covering that, to begin with is important and make sure, that you're familiar with that as a, moderator and as a speaker so knowing, that things will work well that there is, a purpose to everything that you do, during the webinar is important that it, put see the speaker's not worries so, talking about preparation before a, webinar what do you like to do as a, moderator before before the webinar, begins both in the short term and the, long term in a little bit of time just, before the webinar starts and in the, weeks preparing for a webinar what are, the things you like to do to help that, webinar run smoothly it's very important, to connect with the speakers in advance, get to know them a little bit, that's relationship it will be audible, and visible on the on the webinar itself, if you've only just met you know in the, pre call it can make the overall, delivery quite stale and familiarize, yourself with the content you're not, presenting it but you will certainly be, moderating a Q&A on that so knowing, where to position certain questions for, example in what order and what it, relates to helps again with the overall, delivery in the experience for the, audience and I typically prepare a, script without a sounding scripted so, it's actually with now I will read it, out, and even having done hundreds of, webinars there's always going to be, something specific to that webinar that, will be different and in these at the, moment you can easily forget that and it, could be very important call to action, for example that you haven't included, because it's different for this webinar, than it was for the previous one so it's, important to prepare that because he, will in that he's in a moment forget, something and it provides that, consistent experience a consistent, delivery a consistent format and last, but not least thank the speakers, afterwards follow up with them often, they will have put hours into the, preparation you know there probably were, quite nervous perhaps as well so follow, up say thank you give them a bit of a, summary of you know the performance of, the webinar they'll appreciate that and, then you know it can give them feedback, as well if you feel there was something, that was ticking well or perhaps that, they could improve on ivory to open to, that always but most of the speakers, that we have hosted always ask you know, how can I improve was there was, everything okay and and it's important, for them to learn as well and and for, you to help facilitate this perhaps a, new format for them as well and how they, can improve going forward brilliant well, thank you so much for joining us today, and just sharing some of your tips and, tricks that you've picked up over a, number of years now I'll doing webinar, hosting so we really appreciate you, joining us today you very much and so, thank you out there as well for joining, us for this short video and please tune, in for the for the next one that'll be, coming up and please sign up to us and, subscribe on YouTube on LinkedIn and, make sure you you subscribe to us over, on Twitter at webinar exp thanks so much, for joining us, [Music]

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