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38 Quotes Akuntansi Perpajakan

quotes akuntansi perpajakan

Funny Accounting Quotes Sayings – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

Akuntansi perpajakan adalah sebuah aktivitas pencatatan keuangan pada sebuah badan usaha atau lembaga untuk mengetahui jumlah pajak yang harus dibayarkan. Dalam dunia perpajakan, akuntansi sebenarnya bukan istilah yang resmi. … 0

Warren Buffett Accounting Quote – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

Aug 18, 2021 · Akuntansi menawarkan berbagai spesialisasi, termasuk akuntansi perpajakan, akuntansi keuangan, dan akuntansi manajerial. Akuntansi perpajakan membutuhkan keterampilan penelitian yang kuat dan kemampuan untuk mengikuti aturan dan peraturan yang terus berubah. Selain hard skill, penting bagi akuntan pajak untuk mengembangkan keterampilan ... 1

Accounting Quotes And Sayings – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

Nov 07, 2019 · Laba. Laba dalam istilah akuntansi perpajakan adalah keuntungan atau rugi bersih selama satu periode sebelum dikurangi dengan beban pajak. 6. Beban Pajak ( Tax Expense) atau Penghasilan Pajak ( Tax Income) Beban pajak … 2

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Dasar-Dasar Perpajakan & Akuntansi Pajak by Herry Purwono

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Warren Buffett Accounting Quote – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Quote Accounting Memes – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Accounting Quotes Funny – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Konsultan ISO, Training ISO, Kalibrasi Alat Ukur, Training HRD - Training Akuntansi dan Pajak

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Accounting Quotes Funny Tagalog – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Quote For Accounting Students – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Warren Buffett Accounting Quote – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Contoh Skripsi Anak Akuntansi - Guru Luring

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Warren Buffett Accounting Quote – Pakar Akuntansi dan Pajak Jogja Solo Semarang

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Dasar-Dasar Perpajakan & Akuntansi Pajak by Herry Purwono

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hello my name is katie sanouris with, senor's wealth management, and in this video we're going to talk, about how to read the stock quote, let's get going, first you can google, the name of the company that you're, looking for for the stock quote, let's look up something that pays, dividends, say procter gamble company, with a ticker pg procter, gamble company is consumer goods company, that makes everything from, soap to baby diapers something for, everyday use, the ticker is basically like a nickname, so the ticker for proctor and gamble, will be, pg it's usually one two, four letters for the stock ticker, you will see the general information, here for, open high bid ask price but my favorite, website, to look up a stock information is, actually yahoo finance, the reason is that it provides more, detailed, information for the stock that you're, looking at, say procter and gamble let's get to the, stock quote, line by line and we'll look at the chart, also, the top will show you the name, of the company so the procter gamble, company, pg as i said it's a ticker and, underneath, if you will see it said nyse that's, the stock exchange for the company, trades it could be, say nasdaq if you're looking at apple or, amazon, the top in bold right here you will see, the current price for the stock, we know it's been up and, you will see the price increase in, percentages, it also will show you after, our trading, first they will show you the previous, close, of the stock and then the open for today, as you can see the price is different, for previous close, and the open and you think how did that, happen it closed on, one price and open at a different price, the reason, being is that the stock still trades, after normal trading hours, that's after hours trading that it's, shown here, below that you will see bid and ask, price, so bid price is a willing investor, willing to pay for a specific stock and, ask whoever is selling the stock that's, how much, they're asking days range, it will tell you the range from the, lowest and the highest price in the day, trading, if you look at the chart it, will show you that the lowest price that, it traded, was 140 26 and all the way at the, highest at 140 350., 52 week range it's the range, the stock's been trading within last 12, months, you can see it shows from 94, to 146. next, two lines are all about the volume, will be volume first one is the volume, for today and the average volume, is usually last three months, you don't want to buy a stock that has, really low volume really thin volume, because it means it will be really hard, to get in, to buy stock and then you'll have a hard, time, selling the stock because the spread, between the bid, and ask price will be really large and, you might lose, a lot of money just by trying to sell it, if you'll see that average volume, say 6 million and for some reason, today's volume, is 15 million there's a huge jump, so it means something happened today, so maybe the company came out with a new, product, or close down some stores, this will show you the difference in, interest with, investors the volume will be drastically, different, in the right column you will see a, market cap, so it's basically the value of the, company, how large the company is beta, it's five year monthly it shows the, volatility, of the stock how much the stock, moves compared to overall market, beta of overall market is one, so for procter and gable, beta is 0.4 so it is less volatile than, the market, for example if we, look at something like apple, you will see that beta here is, 1.35 compared to 0.4, with procter and gamble so it means, there are more volatility, the stock is more risky, since the data is higher let's get back, to our procter gamble company, next is pe ratio ttm, is trailing for 12 months so overall, over last 12 months pe ratio, is a formula that calculates the ratio, of price to earnings of specific stock, you'll see here it's 27.15, just for an example average p, ratio of stocks trading in s p 500, a range between 13 to 15 that's the, standard, p ratio here it shows 27.15, so it means that the ratio is much, higher which shows that the company, may be overvalued so you have to pay, attention, to that it could be because of specific, market or economic conditions, but if you think okay average, is 13 to 15 this one 27 probably at its, top, earnings per share also trailing 12, months, it's how much company is making, for one share of stock, which shows us 5.23 it means okay, the higher the better it means the, company is making more money per, each share of stock earnings date, if you are looking to buy some stocks, that pay dividends, earnings date will show you the date, for the next earnings to be announced, next it will show you forward dividend, in yield, so basically if you're interested, in investing in a company that pays, dividend, that's the number that you're looking, for you want to know, your dividend yield how much money, you're going to get in dividends, of course here the higher number, the better number sometimes if you look, at something like, tesla, tesla doesn't pay any dividends, so you will have the earnings date but, for, forward dividend and yield and x, dividend date, you'll have any or just a dash, let's get back, ex-dividend date october 22nd 2020, will show you okay you have to own, that stock on october 22nd, in order to receive that dividend, this is a quick overview of the stock, quote, on how to read it hopefully it was, beneficial, thank you for watching bye, [Music], you

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